I'm a player who is struggling with PvP. Back in WoL it used to be who has the most colossus wins... Now, I'm not so sure as to what's viable and what's not. Also, if you see your opponent opening with phoenix, what should be your response?
I don't play protoss so what I say is a bit eh but from what I've seen in pro level games it plays basically the same as WoL in the sense that you react the same way to things ie blink to phoenix, DTs are a bit more common due to lower cost and late game whoever goes voidrays and gets 6-8 up without dying beforehand usually rolls over their opponent.Though storm is apparently really good vs everything
if you're asking for early game openings, 2gate 3stalker rush into 3gate sg is pretty good. get 2 oracles and then go voids. use one of the oracles to scout/harass and leave one with your army if you suspect dt's. then do what you want from there. protip: voids are real good i heard
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My playstyle is usually blink, but can't seem to defend my probes well enough, as blink takes so long now and phoenixes are usually out so early. Later on in the game, they just tech to robo straight after for immortals, which makes their composition so much stronger than mine.
But thanks guys, you definitely cleared some things up for me
There are two main 2base unit compositions in PvP: chargelot/void ray/(eventual immortals) and stalker/zealot/colossus.
Usually the colossus player will be either trying to hit a timing before a critical mass of void rays is reached, or taking a passive third while switching into better aa by going for storm. In the first case you want to have a robo constantly producing colossi while spending all remaining gas on stalkers and all remaining minerals on zealots: the colossi clean up the ground while the stalkers need to get rid of the void rays. Stalkers should be enough to kill void rays in the middgame at low/mid unit counts, but in the lategame storm is really needed.
Alternatively, when playing against heavy stargate players (and stargate openers in general) it's possible to go for a heavy gateway style, pressuring the front with a blink stalker/archon army while taking a faster third and teching to storm. A chargelot/blink/archon/templar army can deal very well with zealot/void ray/immortal/archon.
Both unit compositions should tech to Archons for tanking and additional AA once a solid 3base economy is secured.
Check that video out, sick guide on how to play all 3 matchups, even though its dated all the way back to WoL, the information still applies until now.
Formerly known as neozxa
Instead of complaining about balance, try, try again.
Earlygame ZvZ is basically a knifefight with suicide bombers.
I agree that in HOTs the PvP matchup has seen heaps of changes. I use to think I have a pretty safe one opener for all types of strats that the opponent might do. But in hots, not anymore.
Now it appears that any strat that has an aggro/harassment opener is the way to go. (Might sound strange but I use to open passively)
player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
Last edited by mGGNemesis; Wed, 15th-May-2013 at 6:56 AM.
I open similarly to how I did in WoL, DT expand. Although I've changed the build somewhat to accomodate cheaper DT's and mothership core.
I find blink builds that forgo detection are kinda bad, cos it is possible for the dt shrine on some maps to be put in a location you can't scout easily because of nexus cannon.
I think your mid game transition against a DT opener should be robo -> colossus, as if you go stargate after such a gas investment in the stalkers, a chargelot archon timing could just straight out kill you.
Against phoenix I'd put 3 stalkers in each mineral line, get a forge, get cannons up, and if he keeps investing in phoenix I'd consider a blink stalker archon bust off 2 base, or you can take a third and tech to storm to counter mass void.
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