First of all I would like to thank the following people who have graciously allowed us to use their artwork as Avatar images. You can check out their galleries for their other works in the links below. In addition, this is now the page which credits all the image/artwork on sc2sea.
Image Credit for Artwork / Avatars on
PhilGonzo from Blizzard - SC2 Graphic Models - SC2 looking stuff below. keyan3d - The three metallic race logos draguunthor - Chibi unit avatars (have not gotten permission yet he seems afk so will add his avatars only when hes back from the afk) Zzzeus - Custom made avatars, logo banners - basically all the custom chibi style artwork, her style is really obvious! This is commissioned work and property of
Member contributions
dfm - first incarnation of sc2sea seahorse derpy - various image help with banners / logos doctor - image for sc2shop welshy - fanart image for sc2sea tees based on blizzard race icons
New Avatar System
Along with the usual avatars earned, the following "Milestone" Avatars are opened up upon reaching a certain post count. If you didn't know, you could choose your own avatar that gets displayed by going here. More posts = more choices of avatars.
More image avatars to be added later when draguunthor gives permission, already cropped like 60 new avatars of his in preparation!
We do not claim any ownership nor intend to make profit from any of the following images, they are the works of the respective artists and are properly credited here. They are mostly used as fun Avatars for our users and not used with permission, which is legal because we leave all the trademarks / signatures in place, do not make any profit and credit the original author.
Doctor's Avatar is the work of Dave Pimentel (Head of Story at Dreamworks Animation!) who is Head of Story at Dreamworks Animation. Link to original work here .
I feel like the icons should go in order of 'coolness' and that right now they dont, like, maybe its just prefrence but i'd rather have any of the 6 icons before the ultra than the ultra itself?
Also, i think you should go with unlocking 3 portraits (1 of each race) for every milestone. like, cut the amount of milestones in 3rds and have one for each milestone.
eg: 100 posts, the icons or w/e
200 posts: ling perserver and banshee
500 posts: scourge, siege tank and archon
1000 posts: hybrid viper hybrid destoryer and tauran marine (since none of them are race specific)
Would it be possible to get high rez versions of the avatar images to put on custom white t-shirts (e.g. most online t-shirt printers only deal with white t-shirts and getting a decent rez white background image is actually not that easy)?
Would it be possible to get high rez versions of the avatar images to put on custom white t-shirts (e.g. most online t-shirt printers only deal with white t-shirts and getting a decent rez white background image is actually not that easy)?
Check out the DA links that Nirvana has above, most of the images there are HD
These all look pretty polished, especially the silver race badges, me likely.
Also, getting those on sc2sea shirts could be kinda cool as long as it fitted with the shirt theme, I suppose.
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"Never let yesterday use up to much of today." - Will Smith
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