Real Name: Derek Reball Akas: Dox, VVoLF, VeeVee Occupation: Geoscientific Analyst Date Of Birth: 25-02-1985 City/Country: Melbourne, Australia Hobbies: Gaming, Martial Arts, Reading, Drawing SC2 Goals: Support the Nv guys on a global scale. GM would be nice too. Clan/Team: Invidia. Life and Career Goals: I want to play a key role in the success of global eSports, not just Australia. Notable SC2/Gaming Acheivements: Nothing really special in SC2. I'm just a diehard fanboy who fails at ladder. I did alright in a few WCG's for WarCraft 3. Knocked Phil and GLaDe out of a few qualifiers with my weird unorthodox strategies. Featured Online Vods: Downwhere published a lot of 1v4 & 1v3 games of mine back in WarCraft 3. Seltzer from CSN interviewed me about PPSL. I dunno, there's not really much out there!
Favourite Strategy: Paladin/MK/BM & Riflemen vs UD. Oh. Wrong game. Err, Thor drop or double Nydus. Favourite Babe: Raycey. Beth Riesgraf would be a close second. Favourite Food: Pizza. I'm a ninja turtle. Favourite Drink: Scotch, scotch, scotch. I love scotch. Favourite Movie: Either "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" or The "Wrong Man." Favourite Song: Either "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica, or "The Good Left Undone" by Rise Against.
Players Respected: mOOnGLaDe. Being right alongside Andy for this last decade has been my driving ambition to put Australia on the map. PiG & the Nv guys go without saying. Arch-Nemisis: SundeR. He and I have a history of disgusting ZvZ's on the ladder. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: I guess if you go by results, mOOnGLaDe is the obvious answer here. But truth be told, it's exciting to see exactly how closely aligned the top ~20 in SEA are these days. On any given day, it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone to see someone like iaguz, Rossi, PiG, yang, MaFia, EnDerr, Light, RedArchon, iceiceice, YoonYJ and SO many more players take a championship. We have so much talent. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: He may not have the results, but this will always be Lim Yo Hwan, SlayerS_`BoxeR`.
What are your plans for NV / SEA for the year 2012? Give us a teaser! Well, it's no secret that Invidia are heading to MLG later this year. I've already been contacted by various sponsors willing to support us in our goals, and it's heartwarming to see so much community support. Additionally, 2012 will be a very big year for Australian eSports. I'm involved with so many huge projects this year that will absolutely dwarf everything we saw in 2011. ACL is a wonderful example of this. But there is plenty more coming.
Little known fact, Dox is a weredragon.. At night, he transforms into a dragon.
You will be aware of this transformation but the fact that he begins speaking in the very small vocabulary of the dragon - usual greetings, raised points of view and questions will result in Dox responding with "I'm a Dragon". Furthermore, in moments of supreme enjoyment or satisfaction, the Dragon will respond with - "yeah guuurll" (accentuation the 'uurrrrllll' portion of the dragon tongue shows the level of satisfaction - for example, slightly happy "yeah gurrrl" - pulled an 'avanar' - "yeeaaahhh guuuurrrrrrlllllll!". Or when Dox looks in the mirror, or notices the size of his giant member - 'OOOHHHHHHH YEAAAAH GURRRRRRRRRRL")
Be on the look out for the 'Double Dragon' - often found camping in the dust.
Little known fact, Dox is a weredragon.. At night, he transforms into a dragon.
You will be aware of this transformation but the fact that he begins speaking in the very small vocabulary of the dragon - usual greetings, raised points of view and questions will result in Dox responding with "I'm a Dragon". Furthermore, in moments of supreme enjoyment or satisfaction, the Dragon will respond with - "yeah guuurll" (accentuation the 'uurrrrllll' portion of the dragon tongue shows the level of satisfaction - for example, slightly happy "yeah gurrrl" - pulled an 'avanar' - "yeeaaahhh guuuurrrrrrlllllll!". Or when Dox looks in the mirror, or notices the size of his giant member - 'OOOHHHHHHH YEAAAAH GURRRRRRRRRRL")
Be on the look out for the 'Double Dragon' - often found camping in the dust.
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