I have finally done the first mass removal of mGG members who have not been heard since HOTS from our Skype groups. It serves 2 purposes :
Updates our Skype groups to be more accurate for our actives
Should they return they wont have their skype freeze on them with the load of all the past history chatlines
The 2nd mass removal of mGG members will be those who were playing HOTS but have not been heard for a year and in LOTV which will happen in a couple of weeks. IF you are actually active and in LOTV especially, do say something in game or on Skype so that we know you are alive
If anyone who have been missing decides to get LOTV and be active again, just pm me or any member/officier via sc2sea or Skype and we will definitely welcome you back in there again
The process is necessary even though it stirred many memories of good times We still hope you guys (and girls) will decide to play LOTV again.
LOTV brings along fresh motivation, challenges and determination as we strive to understand this new expansion better. The learning curve has been steeper for one to transition to LOTV than WOL to HOTs.
I would like to this opportunity to welcome our latest members to our mGG family formally
Our mGG public chat on NA is finally alive so do drop by in that group chat :
battlenet://starcraft/group/1/2858 (mGG)
whether it is that you would just like to practice or obs games, chat and chill or to express interest to join us AND interact with us or even just to lurk and chill (you wont stay lurking quietly for too long though. :P OR just simply drop by and say hi
I'm usually in that chat as long as I'm home but the chat comes alive usually in the late afternoon to evening/night. I would encourage our own members to be in that chat while in game as well so no one is left out
Firstly I must apologise for having missed updating in May.
Real life commitments has gotten heavier for me from the kids to work. So while I cannot promise to do one every month as before, I'll try to work towards one every 2 months ^_^
As some in might remember, I was also thinking of other ways to do our mini updates Why? Because... why not?
Clanwar Updates
We were quieter on the clanwars front as everyone mugged for a spot in the ACL and the many other major tournaments e.g. SSL GSL WCS but some clanwars are being planned even as I am working on this update.
ETL wins 5 - 3!
Tribe < Elusory
Chris < Elusory
Eros > Elusory
Eros < Ravenflames
Swarmstika > Ravenflames
Swarmstika < Namek
River > Namek
River < Jevynslayer
Updates on members
Tournament and LAN Updates
Just going to feature 2 events ^_^
Some SC2 Excitement in NZ
So apparently there was a lan in NZ And MightyKiwi and Enak met and fell in love at first sight. The brackets : http://challonge.com/APOGIPLAY
And so both of them made a pact to meet each other in the finals because that's where true love meets. Alas, MightyKiwi's passion was too great. And he won, being the happy Kiwi he usually is.
[27/6/2015 10:01:36 PM] Kane B (enak): I'd bitch slap his cheeks
[27/6/2015 10:02:09 PM] Kane B (enak): Mk is cute tho
[27/6/2015 10:02:33 PM] Kane B (enak): He said the sweetest thing to me at Auckland lan last weekend
[27/6/2015 10:03:53 PM] Kane B (enak): I offered to get him food, he says 'no its OK, I don't eat when I'm nervous' so I said 'but you haven't eaten all day' ... He says 'I know'
ACL Sydney Hype
This event doesnt need more introduction. Everyone who went just got all hyped and the thrills and many friendships were made or renewed. Our members who played? I must say, well done ^_^ no matter what results you got, I know that you worked hard for them. Also Year of Comeback of MK?
BUT what is most important from this event? Remember last year when there was that skype chat when MK counted down towards the days to ACL for almost over a month just to see who was taller (Chin or MK)?
BUT Slayer made the biggest mistake of not taking any pictures of both of them together and so for a year, the question remained... who is taller? Chin-Slayer OR MK?
This year Slayer made sure this mistake is not repeated.
No news posted yet. mGG guys please post something and this message will disappear.
Here is your news forums: http://www.sc2sea.com/forumdisplay.php?f=127
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