Real Name: Nicolas Russo Akas: ChadMann Occupation: Advertising Student and Marketing Research Assistant Date Of Birth: 29/12/1985 City/Country: Byron Bay/Australia Hobbies: SC2, SC2 Community, Surfing, Poker, gaming SC2 Goals: I have a few, I'd love to be able to build the community and run more events and tournaments. I think gradual development in the competitive and spectator elements of this game are vital to develop it into a legitimate eSport. The current state of 'sponsor teams' and funding for events run in SEA is pretty small potatoes and quite frankly, not working. There isn't growth and new money coming in to develop the scene - until SEA players can play SC2 full time for a living, we will not be able to compete with the rest of the world. So, one of my goals is to try and develop the scene as much as I can.
I've mentioned earlier that a great goal of mine would be to beat EveSigns - with only Blink stakers. I tried once and came very close. Despite his best efforts with pure infestor/ling it took his ultra/queen meta-game to stop my blink stalkers. One day Signs, you will feel my wrath!
And finally, as a Player - I'd love to be able to get to Diamond+ level - for me, I haven't go the time to realistically achieve Grand Master level of play.. so getting the best with what I have will be an achievement for me!
Clan/Team: TA!!! - Terror Australis.. Great bunch of guys Thank you for welcoming me into your Clan. I'm very proud to be part of one of the biggest and arguably the best Clan in Australia if not South East Asia.
Life and Career Goals: I'll be finished my Studies shortly in Business Major's in Advertising and Marketing. So I hope to use some of my skills in developing the eSports scene in Australia for awhile - then eventually into more main stream employment (if I can't make eSports main stream and profitable). Other than that - just continue to be happy with what I have developed and provide the best for my family!
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Possibly my best results are:
1) taking a map off RGN.Future in the NASL Season 2 Qualifiers (and coming very close to wining game 1 - which would have given me a 2-0 win and seen me face off against oGsTOP :S).
2) Top 16 Dox Cup #2 - seeing me into the Championship bracket top 32. With wins over a few Master league players!
3) Top 20 at ACL Gold Coast!! and being the 7th ranked Protoss in Australia (according to those results)
4) Wining BSGCL Season 2 for my Team - Clanless. taking the last two games for the win!
Featured Online Vods: Errr, Not sure if there are any.. I have a few fun Replays lying around - maybe one day I'll upload them - Particularly beating Pinder with only Sentries - while he made Sentries then switched to Archons.. still beat them - btw Hallucination in big numbers.. good spell.. :S
Favourite Strategy: Mass Hallucinations.
Also, Pylon walling on Tal'Darim - amirite Maynarde?.. Favourite Babe: ChadLady - as I affectionately call her. My partner and the mother of my lovely Daughter (who's birthday it is as I'm writing this - Happy birthday ChadGirl! :P ) Favourite Food: A well made Pizza - none of this Dominoes crap. Favourite Drink: I have a collection of Cognac's and it is definitely my 'drink of choice' - However, I do not discriminate. Favourite Movie: There are sooo many - Pulp Fiction comes to mind.. but really alot of movies are awesome and its hard to say which one is a favourite. Favourite Song:
When I'm not listening to Bangs - I enjoy Skrillex, Deadmau5, Pendullum and a whole myriad of other bands and artists.. Players Respected: All of you!
Particular Protoss players that I follow, in SEA; yang, Pinder, SenSei, Balloon, LoSt and
International Players; MC, Grubby and HerO Arch-Nemesis: I don't think anyone.. really - maybe my PvZ practice buddy and the guy that took my out of the TtCC - suman, is probably the closest I have to a 'Nemesis' but He's also a good mate.. so Nemesis in the sense of we play alot and its always a struggle to beat his Zerg. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: its impossible not to say mOOnGLaDe. I'd really like to be able to say names like, yang, sensei or Pinder in the future tho. :P (maybe after Pinder wins MLG everyone will say he is the best SEA player :P_ Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: NesTea at his peak was unstoppable, as was MVP and to some extent MMA. I'm always excited to see MMA play well, and am a fan of his. As for my beloved Protoss players, I think MC, while his form slumps - he is always capable of amazing things!
And I'd have to say MKP is my second Favourite player
Bonus Question 1: How do you balance family time, gaming, admining and work? Do you really have 30 hours in your days?
I don't know - I guess I only balance SC2 and Family at the moment - just about to end 4 months of holidays from Uni and as someone that didn't go to uni straight after school I spent a few years making money so I didn't have to work while I studied. Perhaps I'm just efficient with the time I have.. Also, not sleeping much helps squeeze out a few more hours to do everything.
Watch out miniwheat!!
Bonus Question 2: Any plans for more kids and will you teach them starcraft?
Of course there will be more MiniChad's running around one day - perhaps not for a year or two, but look out - Team Chad to take over the world.
ChadGirl will be able to do what ever she wants to do with her time, but if it she decides to take up SC2 - she will be the most Gosu 3 year old around. If I have a son, he will probably be a pretty good gamer if that is something that he wants to do!
MiniWheat vs ChadGirl Showmatch.. gogogo
Kinda disappointed I am not your nemesis after my 6pool...
Yeah - Actually, can we edit a few things here:-
Nemesis - Rogue cause she's a 7 pooling arse. Notable Achievements - 'King of Sentries' beating Pinder in a 200/200 Sentry only battle -even after he switched to pure Archons.
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