Real Name: Daniel Fenner Akas: fenner, Danmate, SolarSailer, TrnslatorJon Occupation: Sc2 Date Of Birth: 11/04/90 City/Country: Sydney, Australia Hobbies: Photography Clan/Team: Carnage eSports SC2 Goals: Become the best player in the world. Life and Career Goals: I think everyone can type in here that they just want to be happy but different things make different people happy so here's what would make me happy. Always applying myself to the best of my ability to what I'm currently pursuing. Not getting involved in any drama. Having at least one person I'm really close to, whether a partner or a close friend - I don't get close to many people but when I do those people mean a lot to me. Being healthy. Making other people happy.
Career goals? To be the best.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Working on this one Featured Online Vods: My overpowered bane bust vs SlayerSCranK
Favourite Strategy: Anything involving Mutas, I picked Zerg because when I watched broodwar I loved the Muta micro. Favourite Babe: Susan Coffey. I'm a sucker for red hair.
Favourite Food: Peanut butter... Do you even have to ask Favourite Drink: Pepsi MAX Favourite Movie: Wall-e, Sunshine, The Dark Knight Favourite Song: Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
Players Respected: Mafia, DRG, Violet... Anyone who dedicates themselves and puts a lot of effort in (probably all Koreans) Arch-Nemisis: Pezzaperry Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Mafia Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Chadmann Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: MVP
Bonus Question: Share with us a bit of your poker story, do you still play? And why do you have an English flag!
Well not many people here know I played poker. But long story short; I dedicated myself to poker like I am currently with SC2. I remember the thing that made me want to play is when I saw screenshots of tillerman (ex-wc3 pro) multitabling 16 tables at once and though it was cool as ****. I played online only, read a lot of guides, watched a lot of videos put an insane amount of time into it trying to get good but I never really had any success. I put everything I had into it for about 1.5 years and whilst I made enough to stay alive I slowly lost motivation due to wanting a more stable source of income and not getting to the skill level I wanted to be at.
This is when I tried to take my photography hobby to the next level and turn it into a business. Whilst I was in the process of planning and even setting up my photography business I was watching GSL one day and said to my closest friend "I wish I could compete at that level, it would be amazing." She managed to convince me to go for it since I'm in the situation where it would be my last ever chance to try something like this before I get real responsibilities and stuff.
I have an English flag because I moved here from England about 4 years ago with my parents. Passed my citizenship test, just waiting for the certificate then I have a dual citizenship so maybe then I'll go Aussie flag if I think you guys are cool enough
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