Andrew “mOOnGLaDe” Pender is another player who had struggled for a period. After taking 4th at the IEM World Championships, he tapered off. Following his parting with FXO, however, his results have picked up, taking a Top 8 position at IEM Gamescon in Cologne.
NASL Season 2 Groups were announced just now, here's the list:
God damn some scary divs, but overall pretty balanced. I can see most players taking games in their groups and I like it. I'm actually excited for season 2 of NASL regardless of the faults from the first one. Of course it's hard to go past any tournament or league with Andy Pender in it.
Moonglade; you're the man, the boss, the SEA zerg god. Shall be cheering you on mate
I wonder if it's a co-incidence that they tried to perfectly equalise the number of representatives for each race across each division and the entire league as a whole. ...
I wonder if it's a co-incidence that they tried to perfectly equalise the number of representatives for each race across each division and the entire league as a whole. ...
And also looks like they may have tried not to have more than 1 player from each team in the same division if they could avoid it.
As the title suggests -- the North American Star League will be showcasing Season 2 in grand fashion, by letting everyone have access to our HD 1080p stream for FREE during the first week of the season. We know that Season 1 had problems, and we've been working over the past two months to make sure they're fixed. As a gesture to our fans' support, and to those on the fence about whether or not to buy the HD pass for Season 2 -- we hope that you will enjoy the games in beautiful 1080p during Week 1, and hopefully throughout the rest of the season!
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