Real Name: Bryan Choo Akas: nirvAnA, aLt, miLk Occupation: Equity Analyst (Shipping) Date Of Birth: 200 B.C City/Country: Singapore! Hobbies: Movies, Music, Eating! SC2 Goals: To guide Singapore to victory in the SEA Nation War League(fail) and finish top 3 in the vista/psi tournies then retire happily Clan/Team:aLt Life and Career Goals: To work for Blizzard! Also to have a successful website, and in 1-2 years own a successful business, preferably but not necessarily in the gaming industry.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: sc2 stuff here Featured Online Vods: lots! youtube nirvana starcraft, the standout games would be the ones casted by husky and hdstarcraft, and the SeleCT games by sephyresc
Favourite Strategy: blink stalkers Favourite Babe: chloe park muaH!!
Favourite Food: sambal stingray, korean galbi Favourite Drink: Koi's vanilla milk tea Favourite Movie: Pulp Fiction Favourite Song: At the moment "Broken" by the Singapore idol lol!
Players Respected: jessetheking, refallen, tendersteak, oxygen, ice, kowi, tenz, filthy, SeleCT, HuK, KiWiKaKi and lots more Arch-Nemisis: RedArchoN! GRRR!!! We are like 30-30 in ladder games lol Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: JESSE SLATON!!!!! Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: oGsMC. In the future, GRUBBY! When he starts playing sc2 he willl be the best ^^
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:18 AM.
check out my wifes blog lol dunno how she can post so much crappppppppppp and not post a single thing on this site. she never even vistits until i force her to look at it lol
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