Hey sorry to admins my opponent and caster and viewers for forfeiting, but i seriously cannot concentrate while my flatmate is playing his music so loudly, i asked him to turn it off, but he refused, navi also asked him not to play it while we are playing tournament games etc but he ignored navi too, i dont know what to do.
"There's a reason everybody shortened it to TOSS and not PRO..."
"Surfing reddit reminds me of going to the zoo.. u see some cool stuff that u dont normally see... but its mostly just monkeys throwing poo at each other"
Thanks also to TAXaxT for helping me run the tournament.
Congratulations to Mafia who played amazing throughout the tournament, not dropping a game all day! He defeated TtPiG 3-0 in the finals, check out the VODS if you missed any games!
PiG had some good wins leading into the final, and was a very deserving 2nd place.
Rossi claims third, defeating SPGSatu 2-0.
Massive thanks to Tt esports for sponsoring again, and donating towards the prize pool
Masters Cup #19 will be back in 2 weeks on July 1. That one shall be an international version, open to all regions.
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Azz had a chance at this one point in the game where he had a nexus and 6 probes. But he found a way to **** it up from there 3 times in a row - Iaguz
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