Real Name: Thomas David Sturman Akas: cruxStallion Occupation: Air Traffic Controll Trainee Date Of Birth: 15/05/1990 City/Country: Christchurch/New Zealand moving to Melbourne Australia june/july Hobbies: Cricket, Soccer, Girls SC2 Goals: At the moment my goals are high Masters KR and grandmaster on NA. Clan/Team: aLt/none Life and Career Goals: I'd love the opportunity to give Starcraft a go at the professional level. For my non-starcraft life finishing Air traffic control training in Australia aswell as getting my old fitness back (running a half marathon and getting a six pack before my best mates wedding)
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: round of 8 masters cup, being in NZ team for nation wars (this is an area im looking to start filling up this year) Featured Online Vods: Wasn't sure if I had any did a youtube search on me and got hit with quite a few.
is me going over PvZ with Flamga. I have a stream channel at where you can check out my ladder games and such.
Favourite Strategy: pvt: 7 gate +2 2 dt build, pvz +2 blink stalkers, pvp 8 gate +1 1 with 6 immortals Favourite Babe: Danielle Bunn, Emily Legat Favourite Food: Victory Fast Food Favourite Drink: Coke Favourite Movie: Fired Up Favourite Song: I'm Sexy and I know it
Players Respected: lots but MoonGlade, yang, Sensei, Pinder , HuK, Mafia, Tgun, Pig, all the crux guys Arch-Nemesis: Um I don't really have one theres people who randomly bm'd me so anyone of those. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: I'm actually not sure atm with Moonglade having a slump it could be one of quite a few people I think Tgun/Mafia/Rossi spring to mind. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: IMmvp
Bonus Question: What can we look forward to from crux and yourself (as a player what are your goals) this year?
This year from crux we have done all the recruiting we want to do(although we need a zerg) and are looking at making a bigger impact on the scene as you may have noticed of late with myself, Eldrid, Delete and Zoom/KiisS. We are shifting around some management to allow myself time to play and to keep the clan going. Overall we really want that Tier one spot in seacl up for grabs and to become known as a giant killer team.
As for myself my goals this year are GM on NA high masters KR. Not to embarrass myself in the plunder invitational and pay back the saddle club with good games for the faith they put in me. I want to win a community open. In general improve my play to a level that im playing with the top players constantly and winning. It's a high aim but I think I can do it.
you know I only don't beat you cause toss is OP... we went over this last night.
the fact protoss beat terran with a 54% w/r for one month doesnt make toss op that just means toss won for once the fact terran say op is crazy I know you want your 60% w/r back but still let us win for once ^_^ it'll help people have faith that blizzard actually doesnt hate us :P
I can tell by your face that you're about to murder the photographer after you've finished choking the life out of that young blonde woman. We should be friends.
I can tell by your face that you're about to murder the photographer after you've finished choking the life out of that young blonde woman. We should be friends.
HAHA nah she was really drunk and i was liquidered to the point id be slizzered and I cant remember Why i gave that look but its a funny photo :P
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