Real Name: Mack Smith Akas: Pet, numerous embarrassing variations of Pet. Occupation: Student. Date Of Birth: 25/06/96 City/Country: Auckland, New Zealand. Hobbies: Starcraft II ._. Clan/Team: Team Iris. SC2 Goals: To become one of the best players in the world. Life and Career Goals: Survival.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: 2nd NZ Cup Season 2, 2nd Auckland LAN, 1st Auckmageddon 7, 5/6th New Zealand WCS. Featured Online Vods: I could only find me losing to yang on youtube lol.
Favourite Strategy: ZvZ Muta into Roach Infestor. Favourite Babe: Your mum.
Favourite Food: Pizza. Favourite Drink: Pepsi or anything involving mangoes. Favourite Movie: There Will Be Blood / The Big Lebowski Favourite Song: Not gonna choose one!
Players Respected: Mafia, PiG. Arch-Nemisis: Stallion. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Up until WCS, I would say PiG but now I think mOOnGLaDe is better O.O Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: In terms of play style? Mafia. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: MVP
Bonus question: Everyone says you're super shy in real life but over here you are an internet badass. Please explain this phenomenon.
Hm well I was really shy at my first couple of live event since I didn't know anyone. However I don't think I am anymore. As for being an internet badass... ._. idk.
Arch-Nemisis: Stallion.
gotta admit I lol'd a little hahahaha its a friendly rivalry that I hope keeps going for it helps motivate me to keep playing and I love our matches. You are a truly good player and friend and wish you all the best pet. kick some arse in TGS and give out some wiggles for me future bonjwa pet hwaiting
Even when you are mean to me, chopping me, telling us we are out of our elements or just straight up being a brat, I am very proud of you always. You make Iris very proud with your hard work and dedication to SC2, always laddering, practicing and representing us in tournaments.
If I could pick someone in the world to be my little brother, it would be you. You little shit.
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