City Hunter's Starcraft II Kingston & ROG Comp #6- ft: xGKingJazBas
City Hunter in conjunction with Kingston Technology and Xeria Gaming is proud to announce the 6th in a series of Starcraft II comps 'City Hunter's Starcraft II Kingston & ROG Comp #6 will take place on the 15th of April and featuresome amazing prizes and not to mention the presence of the most handsome Zerg in all of SEA xGKingJazBas!
· All games must be played on the SEA/AUS server.
· All warm up games on the tournament computers must be played on SEA/AUS server.
· Each player is allowed to bringing your own equipment (keyboard & mouse). Equipment provided on site is a computer and a monitor.
· No macro functions on keyboards/mice are allowed to be used in any tournament
Game Preparations
· When scheduled, an administrator will tell the player which computer to use.
· Every player will only get 10 minutes to warm up by the computer. Once this time has
passed the player must be ready to start playing the tournament match. If a player
arrives late his warm up time will be shortened until the start time of the tournament
· Every player has to be at the tournament area at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the warm up period.
· The starting time of any tournament match is not flexible, if a player only arrives to the
tournament area five minutes before the tournament match is supposed to start, the
player will not get more than five minutes to warm up.
· Should a player be late (less than 10 minutes) for the start of a tournament match, the
player will forfeit the first game of the match.
· Should the player be more than 10 minutes late for the start of a tournament match,
the player will forfeit the match.
· The players are allowed a 5 minute break between the games in a tournament match.
· Administrators reserve the right to change these timings if circumstances require it.
Disconnects and computer failure
· If a game is interrupted by a computer failure and the game is heavily favoured to the
extent that the game would definitely have been won by one player an administrator
may rule the game in favour of said player. Should the game be too close to call, it will
be replayed.
· If a game disconnects for another reason and the game is heavily favoured to the extent
that the game would definitely have been won by one player an administrator may rule
the game in favour of said player. Should the game be too close to call, it will be
· If a player wants to make a complaint about a game result, the player has to tell the
administrator assigned to the match, before the next match starts.
· If a player wants to object a game result ruled by an administrator, this has to take place
before the next game.
· After every game, both players must save the replay of the game.
· All replays need to be sent in to tournament administrator after the match is finished.
· Official tournament replay packages will be made, until they are published, no replays
from the tournament are allowed to be shared with the public.
· The tournament map pool includes the following maps:
Every tournament game will be played on maps from the tournament map pool only. The player starting the map picking process will be decided through an administrators coin flip each game loser choose the next map
· Should a player purposely attempt to sabotage the games, another player or an
administrator in any way, the player will be disqualified.
· Bad behaviour towards other players, administrators or the audience may result in a
In game rules
· No excessive chatting is allowed in the game. If the need to chat occurs the players must
be straight to the point and polite. Ideally the only chat in each game will be at start up
and when a player surrenders the game.
· No chat is ever permitted from a player to an outside party during a tournament match,
or from an outside party to the player, unless the outside party is an administrator.
· Typing "GG" in the game means that the player surrenders, and the
opponent wins. After it is typed the player must leave the game immediately.
Game settings
· Each game must be played in Faster mode.
· Every player must set their online status to Busy.
· Every player must turn off notifications.
· Every player must use full screen.
Bugs and Misuse
· No abuse of bugs is allowed in any tournament match.
· No player is allowed to look at the opposite player at any time during a tournament
· If a player must pause the game due to technical difficulties the player must if possible
tell the opponent about this before pausing. After pausing the player must let an
administrator know.
· If a game is paused without a reasonable explanation such as a technical difficulty the
game might result in a forfeit.
· Each player signs up to the tournament with one set race. If a player wants to change
the race before a match, an administrator must be notified, and the new race must be
played throughout the whole match. The administrator must be told at least 30 minutes
before scheduled match start, or as soon as the previous match ends.
· The administrator will then tell the opponent.
· As soon as a player joins or creates a game he is to choose his playing race.
Draws and stalemates
· If a player deliberately plays for a stalemate, administrators hold the right to decide the
outcome of the game.
· If there is a natural stalemate the game will be replayed.
New Rules
The Scroll wheel trick is not allowed to be used in the tournament
Although I dont want to make it a strict rule, i believe there needs to be a gentleman's agreement to not watch replays between maps, This is apparently a rule enforced by major tournaments and as such should be adhered to here.
Also Wanted to make a quick announcement, Author N Y Saleh, he is a writer of Young Adult Fiction and he and his 3 sons love SCII, Anyway he is graciously continuing his donation towards these events!!
1st- $50 CASH, 1 Signed Copy of "Search for the Avatar"
2nd- $25 CASH, 1 Signed Copy of "Search for the Avatar"
3rd- 1 Signed Copy of "Search for the Avatar"
[07-10, 22:00] PiG Unfortunately I'm incredibly lazy so most of my video footage is just me and iaguz in bed
Last edited by ToR.Arnor; Tue, 27th-Mar-2012 at 12:43 PM.
Yeah the April event was brought forward (the March event has even happened yet!) especially so JazBas could attend while he was on Uni Break
Note: other factors also contributed, eg better to be the week before ACL sydney than after so it can be used as a "warm up" and April 15th isduring the Easter Break for High School students so it easier for them to attend also ^_^
FYI guys Ill be taking sign ups for this on Sunday (the last day of the discounted entry take advantage
[07-10, 22:00] PiG Unfortunately I'm incredibly lazy so most of my video footage is just me and iaguz in bed
Azz had a chance at this one point in the game where he had a nexus and 6 probes. But he found a way to **** it up from there 3 times in a row - Iaguz
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