Real Name: Thomas (Sung Jun) Cho Akas: nGenJazBas Occupation: Student studying Bachelor of Music and commerce at Auckland Uni Date Of Birth: 18/11/1991 City/Country: Auckland/New Zealand Hobbies: SC2, Basketball, and jamming jazz! SC2 Goals: Hm.. keeping it as my "breakout" thing from real life?lol Clan/Team: nGen (I don't know if we are new, or next Life and Career Goals: Successfully graduating Uni, get a stable job and continue enjoying music
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Yoz's SEAOpen #12(not so sure) winner
4th in TA invitational
Won one of the iMaster thing
CO#18 winner
nGenCup#1 runner-up
Auckland iPlay lan winner Featured Online Vods: Should be some if you type "nGenJazBas" on youtube!
Favourite Strategy: 1-on-1 infestor neural parasite against mech Favourite Babe: KARA's Han Seung Yeon. And of course, like every other Korean guys, IU! Favourite Food: Cow intestines lol (don't go wtf please!) Favourite Drink: Miranda (Raspberry flavoured) Favourite Movie: Hello Ghost(Korean movie) Favourite Song: Too hard to pick one.. but if I have to, Hiromi Uehara - Time out
Players Respected: nGenLight, nGenMaster, nGenWild, aLtNirvana, TAEdge, FXOMoonglade, aLtiaguz, NeoRedarchon, TAdeth, inf, Jaczie, aLtOxygen, aLtSheepy, FlashRevz, Fah, Pringles, nGenPhoenix, nGenMafia, infiFinest, Kowi. Maybe more but those are the ones who I can think of at the moment! Respects to nGenLight especially, he knows why, and as always to nirvana for the dedication to the community. Arch-Nemisis: I don't know what this means so I looked up wiki and it says my worst enemy? Have many on NA as they are crazy bm lol but I wouldn't name any as they are not as well known to SEA community. I can't think of anyone on SEA as they are all very nice! Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: FXOMoonglade Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: IMNestea!!!!
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