Arcade Games being listed as "…" and never loading
CLIENTSIDECACHE_READ_HTTP_FILE_NOT_FOUND Error when joining custom games
Then you may be encountering some of the issues affecting the North American server that seem to be unique to SEA license holders.
Blizzard have recommended the following as a temporary work around:
DNS settings are specified in the TCP/IP Properties window for the selected network connection.
Example: Changing DNS server settings on Microsoft Windows 7
Go [to] the Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, and click Change adapter settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click Local Area Connection, and click Properties.
To change the settings for a Wireless connection, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and click Properties.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then click Properties.
Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. If there are any DNS server IP addresses listed there, write them down for future reference, and remove them from this window.
Click OK.
Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference.
Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
For IPv4: and/or
For IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and/or 2001:4860:4860::8844
Restart the connection you selected [from above].
If problems persist, make sure to follow the suggestions in this thread and provide the information requested so that they can track down the issue.
(xpaperclip Edit: )
Alternatively, if you don't want to/can't change your DNS settings, add
to your c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. (Or whatever IP you get when you ping
Last edited by xpaperclip; Thu, 24th-Jan-2013 at 3:30 PM.
'My quick match screen is blank' is the error i have been getting, thanks for posting about this! I thought I was the only one :P Hope blizz will fix it soon
Last edited by ETL.ViTaL; Tue, 22nd-Jan-2013 at 4:14 PM.
Doesnt say anything about score match histories Mine just says error loading score screen for all my past match histories on NA
player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
Doesnt say anything about score match histories Mine just says error loading score screen for all my past match histories on NA
Yeah, that's annoying. It's also not just your match history, but any match history you try to look at. It'll either say error when trying to look at it, or a game be "Undefined" in it. (Likely Arcade games)
I am hoping Blizzard sort this out soon. It's 'causing too much trouble for SEA players on NA I feel.
An update on this, someone on the bnet forum was in contact with Blizzard's cloud service provider in an attempt to fix the problem:
EdgeCast believe they have now fixed the issue with their server ( I can confirm it now works for me without the DNS workarounds.
If you had previously changed your DNS settings or modified your hosts file, can you try undoing those changes, and then see if you can play SC2 now? A good test would be:
1. Close SC2
2. Undo the DNS or hosts file changes
3. Make sure "ping" reports
4. Check that you can download
5. Run SC2 and log in to the US server
6. Make sure you can start a quick match
7. Try to create a custom game for a map you haven't played before, or play an Arcade game you haven't played before
If you've undone the DNS or Host file changes and are still having issues on the US server, please follow the instructions in this post and post the results in the thread so that they can continue to track the issue.
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