Real Name: Cory Evans Akas: TheCSerps, CeeSerpent IRL - Raggie, Flanders (Long story for both) Occupation: IT Analyst Date Of Birth: 4/4/86 City/Country: Adelaide, Australia Hobbies: Gaming, Programming Clan/Team: TA SC2 Goals: Hopefully reach at least Diamond before HOTS Life and Career Goals: Stick with IT and aim to become specialised in a certain area. As an Analyst, I get to see all the different areas that I could focus on so my career goal is very broad at the moment. Life goals are to own my house which I achieved two years ago with the help of my friend, the bank, and also to keep gaming in some capacity, and share the excitement of ESports with everyone I know.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: I made Silver on NA playing random with 80% Win (no cheese). LOL Featured Online Vods: I really hope there isn't.
Favourite Strategy: Nexus first, because I'm greedy like that. Favourite Babe: Mila Kunis in every movie ever Favourite Food: Lasagna/Pasta Favourite Drink: Pepsi Max or a Bourbon and Coke Favourite Movie: Training Day or Red Cliff (Guan Yu is a legend) Favourite Song: This is so hard to pick. After over an hour of thinking, I've gone with As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle
Players Respected: EdgE, BigBiRd, Champi, Satu, Jak (SA Talent) Light and MaFia for the sheer amount of games they complete for practice. Arch-Nemisis: Anyone who BM's in Bronze League, lrn 2 PC nub. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: mOOnGlaDe Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Light. Always happy and smiling and having fun, that's what gaming should be about. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: MC (or is that Seed now?)
Bonus Question 1: What is the story behind your name?
Basically I went by lots of different names of the years playing different games. I was Jubai or Corza across most FPS's over the years but when I came to SC2 I went with what my brother calls me. He tried to create nicknames for the both of us, and because he wanted to be known as T-Money (his name is Toby) then he decided he would call me CeeSerpent. He shortened it to CeeSerps pretty quickly because he wanted to shorten his to T-$ . So I just ran with it for the last couple of years. When I joined TL, CeeSerps was taken, so I went with TheCSerps, which led me to SC2Sea and the eventual name TheCSerps.
Bonus Question 2: How was your WCS?!!!! Best weekend of my life. The End.
Seriously though, I met amazing people all weekend, all with a shared passion for SC2. My two memorable moments were when BigBiRd won on Friday and they all decided to rush the stage and the same on Sunday when MaFia won and the whole of TA rushed the stage. Getting to sign the TA banner and hanging out with Miles and Champi (F'n Legends) in and out of the player's lounge was pretty baller and drinking with Akky and the TA boys in the Nv Hotel Room Saturday night was another highlight, especially when the boys got some Soju at 3.30am in the morning. Good luck to anyone in Adelaide trying to get anything other than crusty Maccas or overheated Pies at 3 in the morning. I also fanboyed a little bit too much all weekend. OMG "THE" GTR, or OMG THE REAL PAPERCLIP were some of the most memorable fanboy moments.
Shoutouts to OzLiam and LordBrynsey for hanging out with me on the way to WCS both mornings, these guys are awesome. Also shoutout to the Security Guard for trying to kick me out for hitting on her. Guess I wasn't her type. She hassled Ninja for his ID earlier in the night, but little did I know that someone that cute could actually be 18. Look out ladies. Also thanks to Baldie for making me shit my pants. Our plane tried to land in pretty bad weather on Friday, and aborted the first attempt at landing at the very last second. With everyone crying and me trying to be a tough guy, I sat there smiling and all calm when just as we were coming in for our second attempt, Brad turns to me and says stone cold, "Good Luck". Pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy as I laughed my ass off as we finally landed. Thanks. So much more to say, I might turn it into a blog at some stage if I find time. Much Love to all.
Also thanks to Baldie for making me shit my pants. Our plane tried to land in pretty bad weather on Friday, and aborted the first attempt at landing at the very last second. With everyone crying and me trying to be a tough guy, I sat there smiling and all calm when just as we were coming in for our second attempt, Brad turns to me and says stone cold, "Good Luck". Pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy as I laughed my ass off as we finally landed. Thanks.
My pleasure mate. Anytime! Was a sick weekend, one which I will never forget and thanks for being a big part of it. Was so much more enjoyable flying in with somebody.
All the best with your TA adventures bossman. I am sure they will look after you!
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