This week's top 200 list is out! Congrats to inF for taking the victory and $50, a clear 100 points above the next player inF!
Download the replay pack of Revenants last 10 games here!
After some feedback from frequency, del, benji, iMaster etc, i have decided to run a poll to determine how next weeks prize will be awarded, so vote for what you want to see. As usual, feedback/discussion is great appreciated. All replays will be saved and uploaded for everyone's viewing pleasure, in addition to the standard last 10 ladder games.
Note: iMaster will make all the payments to the prize winners at the end of March after the final big quarterly tournament. iMaster has been awesome for the SEA community, having already sent and sponsored over $400 for the community opens thus far.
Even though i like the idea of having people fight it out for the $50, it kinda makes the incentive to ladder a little less than just giving the $50 to the #1 spot. I guess top 2 or top 4 would do ok as well but i still think the fact that only #1 gets it will make laddering a little more competitive.
frequencys top 4 idea actually intended the opposite effect.
since 4 pple have a chance to get the $50 rather then just 1 person, more people would start laddering to get into the top 4 rather then give up if they see the #1 far and away with 100 points.
How about a top 4 with the #1 player on SEA followed by the next best ranked Terran, Zerg and Protoss respectively? Or it can even be the best ranked T,Z,P and Random players fighting it out.
Early game loss = Cheese
Mid game Loss = All in
Late game Loss = Imbalance
I think having top 4 battle it out would be the logical idea. It could just be that the No.1 has more time on his/her hands... which wouldnt really be fair.
I voted to keep it as is now. However it was a close call between that and the Bo5 between the top 4 players... simply because a Bo5 between the top 4 players would definitely be awesome to watch live w/ streaming and commentary. That said, my vote still lies with keeping it as is =)
SKY HAS SPOKEN!!!! the Bo5 would be the best, although i guess the biggest obstacle would be actually organising it. unless its easy to get their contact details
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