Real Name:Ethan 'iaguz' Zugai Akas: iaguz. Only iaguz. Occupation: Casual employee for a place. I spend most of my time moving boxes around a warehouse and thinking about Starcraft (only get paid for one of those though) Date Of Birth: 9th Novemeber 1990 City/Country: Sydney, Australia Hobbies: Games of all kinds, mostly the vidja though. SC2 Goals: I dunno. Do as best I can I suppose. Try to not stop enjoying it, that's the important thing. Whether you're a paper league scrub or idra, enjoying the game is the top priority. Clan/Team: aLt currently. Life and Career Goals: **** I dunno, haha. I did a year of uni and then just dropped out because I didn't really know what I was doing and what I wanted to do. Still figuring that one out.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: well, I was best in the world at company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts for a time, but like 12 people played that game so not the best achievement I suppose. I dunno, I've placed well in a lot of small competiions and lans and such for games like CoH, Red Alert 3, Starcraft 2 adn even won a graphics card for being good at HoN (although that was mostly due to our Pebbles raping their whole team singlehandedly. Stalag + chuck + portal key so imba). For SC2 I've managed to beat moonglade wiht 6 rax reaper back in beta. That was great.... Featured Online Vods: Yellow vs Bisu on Heartbreak ridge. Dunno why but this is my favourite BW vod. Everything just clicks into place so perfectly, and it has my favourite Zerg strategy; slowverlord drop. But generally watching BW Zerg Gosu's play is really great. They balance such a weird set of units and resources and deadly micro, and this is coming from a Terran player! Favourite Strategy: Slowverlord drop!
I don't have a particular favouriate strategy because I'm always dicking around with new shit, but fun with blue flame hellions is great. Destroying 18 workers and then sitting behind a tank wall is the biggest **** You in the Terran arsenal, it's great.
Favourite Babe: All of them! Favourite Food: Don't have a particular one. My dad and a few of my siblings really do like to cook, and I really do like eating, so it works out alright. Pretty much any tender delicious meat product cheers me up. Favourite Drink: Because I don't have a sense of smell, I don't really like tea, coffee or wine. And I don't drink so there's all sort of liquors I don't care for. So pretty much any one of a billions black cola copies. FOR GAMING. Favourite Movie: Don't have one. Why stop at one? Favourite Song: Same as above.
Players Respected: On SEA: my friend ImSkeptical, who's always giving me excellent advice about how vomit worthy my play is and what I'm doing wrong that I never knew I was doing and all sorts of tips, and basically:
Any zerg who doesn't do stupid baneling or roach all-ins.
Any Terran who doesn't do 1 rax FE builds, which are ridiculously vulnerable to random blind hard counters, random all-inners and definitely not those shit maggots who like, try to lift factories or do those drops at soem random corner of your base, all like "oh jeez I hope THIS guy doesn't space out depots".
Any Protoss who doesn't... Actually, **** that. **** all protoss.
Ok, perhaps arch nemesis is a bit much, but he came down to sydney once and beat me at a Lan I totally was gonna dominate. So I must return the favour some time. YOU HEAR ME ANDREW! Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: well, it used to be Glade but now it's hard to say. For Australia it's definitely a choice between Filthy, YYJ and like, I dunno, azz maybe? Lol. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: I always switch up my player worship, so whichever foreign terran is giga-ballin' it's generally him. So jinro! But he's been playing really shitty lately so it's hard to tell.
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