Now as the thread title portrays we are looking for some stand out / players .With our recent influx of lower league players it has really hit me that I’m lacking higher league players only 4 and 0 but by the seasons end we hope to have 2 or 3 with a couple of the boys close to promotions.
Eternal has been working hard to get our name out into the SEA community the last couple of months but have been struggling in the higher league tournaments due to lack of numbers we hope to chance that. What we are looking for
2-3 more players
3-4 players
A great attitude all the members in ETL get along great and we want to keep it that way
The ability to stream is a plus but is not a must
The ability to LAN we would like most of our /players to be able to attend their local LANs. We hold Practice with other members and are active most nights our Skype always has someone on so it is never too hard to find a partner, we also have our monthly round robin inter team tournament. We have a strong stance on helping each other improve and we hope to continue that with any new members that join the Eternal family.
So please pm me
SC2 ID -
Current team status -
Age -
Race -
ability to attend lan -
Hey there guys, ETL is a fairly recently formed clan. We're looking to cut our teeth by playing a clan war against another clan. We'll be up for it on Friday nights, but Saturday can work too.
All-kill format or proleague format, you can choose.
Eternal eSports is a well established multigaming organisation, hosting many games, mainly Starcraft 2, that is based in Europe. However we have expansions in the United States and have just began setting up in Australia, for South Asian and the Australian area players. We currently have a few already that represent Eternal eSports on the SEA scene but we are looking for many, many more.
So if you are looking for a group of players to have fun with, then check out our website, or if you see yourself as a keen SC2 player that would like to join our players and form a team, again, check out our website.
On behalf of everyone at Eternal eSports, we hope to see you soon!
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