Name: Malcolm Tay Date Of Birth: 28/12/93 City/Country: Singapore Occupation : Student Hobbies: Swimming, Starcraft2, Tennis although i suck SC2 Goals: To be as good as cure Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: None Featured online vods: None
Favourite Strategy: Cannon rush into Dt and transiting into Mothership timing push Favourite Babe : Yelyah Favourite Food: Pizza Favourite Drink: Ice Lemon Tea Favourite Movie: Balls Of Fury Favourite Song: aLt rock, pOp indie
Players Respected: Cure Best StarCraft 2 player in SEA?: Kashimashi Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: rLs_ _ _ _ _ _ _(fill in the blanks) , all 1 liners
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