Hello, a few people may remember me from ages ago, 6 months sgo I gave up sc2 and since then I have taken no interest in the game but, as I return I need some help. So here is my question, before I dive head on into sc2 I need some help with the meta, before I left I was a masters Toss and the metas were,
PvP- Blink, 3 Gate robo, and Phoenix,
PvZ - a lot of 2 base timings or late game mother ship play vs brood festor,
PvT - Charge archon or colo storm vs a lot of bio and occasional 2 rax aggression expo,
So I was wondering if I could get some opinions on what I will be playing against/expecting to vs in each match up or even a link to a thread that is more helpful as I have looked but haven't found anything
Thank you,
Last edited by Kringe; Sun, 28th-Oct-2012 at 10:19 AM.
For the most part not much has changed, everything is just a lot more refined that it used to be.
PvZ is the only mu out of those 3 that I can really comment on, but 2 base all ins are common, ffe's are the norm, collossus pushes before broodlords are done are a common push aswell.
Late game typically involes mothership trying to get a clutch vortex off against broodlord infestor spine.
Protoss vs Terran - The Standard build you will see is a 2 medivac timing at 10~ mins many different variations, from this timing terran can take a third do a 2 base all in or what ever, hellion drops i feel should be common although the people i play are shit at holding it again many different follow ups to that.
In PvP people are doing 16nexus 120% sure of this
Last edited by ToRSpookToR; Sun, 28th-Oct-2012 at 10:27 AM.
PvZ a lot of 3 base timings are common to kill zerg before broodlords come out, in particular a very new build on the korean ladder is immortal sentry expo into templar chargelot stalker immortal push, since most zergs defend 3 base pushes with spines and infestors & lings, the HT's kill the infestors, the chargelots kill the lings, immortals kill the spines, and blink stalkers help kill everything else, it's actually a really hard composition to stop. (chargelots are surprisingly sick vs infestors as the charge action naturally spreads them out pretty well).
Can't comment to well on PvT and PvP. But from what I see in PvT its much of the same tech switching from colossi to templar, catching terran out with to many vikings/not enough, and then eventually getting dat big death ball
PvP is the same as before / its been 2 gate robo or 3/4 gate blink obs or stargate plays for a while
PvZ is 2 base aggression/all in late game the same try dual prisms and more agtes as well as blink stalker attacks to spilt thier army up espically as its slow
PvT rush colossus or rush archons/storm, im sure you can figure out what to go with those
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