I scanned and knew what kind of composition he was going because I have played Protoss before and this was a build I felt was particularly strong and familiar with.
I thought I've done what was appropriate. I went for the macro game; I got decently fast upgrades (seeing he was only 0/0 when I scanned), I got my 3rd at an okay timing (roughly the same as his i think),and I made a lot of barracks to try and match his huge zealot count.
I never really felt safe moving out because of the open space and his masses of zealots. This way, I thought I couldn't stop him from getting expansions, getting upgrades, getting a favourable direct engagement, etc.
One thing I know I could've done was stutter step and lure the army near my PF and set up a nice concave there but I seriously don't know what else went wrong. I made ghosts in time.
What is the correct response to this composition or tech path?
Previously known as Spirit
"A genius cannot defeat someone who works hard. Someone who works hard cannot defeat someone who enjoys their work."
Ill have a look at your replay later on tonight when i get the time, but to answer your questions the correct response would be a marine heavy composition and tech to ghosts when you get your third running still after medivacs though so that doesn't change much. Ill edit this post after i have watched your replay.
in the mid/late game u want to be ghost marine heavy. Mixing in a couple of marauders mainly for tanking. its important to scan ahead of a protoss army and land emp's on hopefully clumped groups of ht's.
Although I can say much since I'm a league lower than you but I notice u slipped a bit in the unit production (marines) at around 10 mins and u didn't do any multi-prong drops. There were emps but it landed on left side of toss army but not the right side that was attacking ur army, better targeting perhaps? That's my thoughts though I could be wrong...
chargelots have a cooldown and protoss just a-move so with some mauraders in front, bait & draw the zealots away from main army with their charge attack; then pull your army back kiting them untill theyre gone
best done with space behind ur army so im not sure if concave is best idea
If you are afraid of moving you you can play more defensively with planetaries and tech up to air while holding them off in choke points. but this is more for later game ideas I guess.
Previously known as Izotz
Heavy marine and ghosts, with medivacs. Chuck in a few marauders for tanking also. Kite backwards, emp archons and target fire them when they're emp'ed.
And You Will Shed Tears of Scarlet
Clan FaDe always in my Heart
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