thats how i pay hijung, i want to macro may opponents. problem is if he multi drops, those god damn marines clear every drone. i played one the other night and he wiped out 70+ drones while doing a decnet hold as i attacked him main and nat, he been whittle ing away at my spores and spines for a while before the 3x drop in each base.
i thought i was doing a great job! keeping his armies down at the front, remaxing as i could and then im suddenly staring at a pretty much static 250 mins! and no gas!, he has PF's in his nat and build another in his nat . . gg.
im now resorting to having 3 infestors at home and 20 lings rallied onto them, its working ok but now a total waste of supply making my main army weaker. fungals can be really good with this but i often find i run out of energy OT theres not enough. Can anyone direct me to some replays where drops have been stopped by any kind of combination. The spore idea is ok IF i had and infestor there on time and got him in the range but they always seem to find a way in then stutter their way to victory! God i hate terran
I found that the reason I lost a lot to drops was due to minimap awareness. I had a friend do drops to me nearly every game and I always lost until I started looking at the minimap a lot of the time if not most of the time. Minimap awareness improved my play greatly... I hope this helps
I was having the same problem at one point. I've found that depending on your unit composition, for one medivac at each base, you should leave 8 lings and 2 banes at each base, and as the game goes on add a spore and 2 spines. That should be plenty of defence to adequately handle individual drops. Just make sure if you do go for a kill push, to include them in your army - or if he decides to abandon drops.
Also, if you go mutas in ZvT, they REALLY help in shutting down drop play.
just make queens, spines and spores and press s-ddddddd. If you can then get into the habbit of injecting then yeah you'll be at GM level ZvT in 2 weeks probably.
this info i great really appreciate it! this is what im doing vs is
1. spines near gas in each line(outer) with a spore in middle foe each base
2. i set the natural rally to the spores in each base but i immediately enter any morphed eggs into the control groups i have set for the units.
3. Always 2 queens to every base
4. When i defend i then zone out base with spores to edges . .
it occured to em quite recently i looked at my bases, do a good job at creep highways to bases and on way to enemy base BUT in the last 10 reps ive labelled as. "f%$^ing drops again" at iven ever got the creep all over my main! This is going to be my focus this week against T and P!
If you guys do now of any good replays which defends drops when the zerg is still in a droning state id love to see how they deal with it
I find that overlord placement has helped me so much with drops the key is too never have your army too far away from your bases and if your attacking have a few spines at each base a spore and a couple of banelings. Go back and watch replay's were a terran has dropped you and see what route he uses to fly to your base.
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