As you may know the staff have asked for volunteers to help with different things for the website (here). So, here is an image thread for all the things related to SC2SEA visuals/graphics.
If you are talented or just like to play around with Photoshop/Illustrator or any other software that can be used to create visuals for this website: this is your thread! Post your creations. Even a rough sketch will do as others can build on your idea! It's also a good way to have some feedback from people, so...
Note for the staff/admin: Let us know what you need and what you want: logo, headers/footers for specific threads, posters, flyers... Also, whenever possible, give us details such as dimensions, resolution (for web or printing), color theme and whatnot.
- A new banner for the website by Clammy
- Basic logo by DFM
- Favicon by derpy
- Header for HuT's Newletter by Usul
- Footer for the website
- Images for the sub-forum titles (General, Strategy...)
- Splash screens for the streams
- Anything else you can think of to make the site look nice
- Resolution:
- 72dpi for the web
- 300dpi for printing
It's always better to work with higher file size/resolution even if it's only for the web. But make sure it still looks good when you resize it to the final size.
- mezza suggested to work in a 16:9 format for the streams' splash screens.
I did a trial run on for the shirts. When I resized the image I was using it became all pixellated, so it would be good to have a decent sized image to work with.
As for the actual design... I'm about as creative as a pointy stick. Go nuts guys
___________________________________ Apth.767 SEA | NA | KR
I dont mind the style of the Newsletter header. The only thing i personally would like changed is the colour. Something a little more bright and vibrant, eye catching. But yeah its good none the less thats just a personal thing.
for screen printing you'd need the image at around 300 dpi and a relatively large image size, like say an A4 thereabouts. just so you guys know what we're talking about when printing stuff from images, most web images are at 75dpi, so you'll need to get the raw file from the person and bump it up a huge amount.
i'll contribute more images as and when i can work on stuff, but here's the new sc2sea splash screen i've worked on, i have the raw so people can change their stream site/favicon as and when we change streamers, and its ustream friendly, there's no text up there on the top right hand side to interfere with ustream's watermark
bart and the dollar bill are gonna be kept to honor the guy who started it in the first place
btw click on the image itself to link to my imgur location to download the 1920x1080 version
Life is short, why waste it on sleep.
one more thing i just remembered, if you're making gfx for events, like COTH and stuff, it'll be good if the image was made in 16:9 format because the streamers now broadcast in 16:9 formats so they can port the image and put it on as a splash screen in between matches, at least for me, that's what i do, and basically resizing it down to message board proportions isn't too hard, imgur does it for you instantly, and still keeps the original while its at it.
Life is short, why waste it on sleep.
Seahorse. TL has the horse, we are a SC site just like the but we are SEA based. Seahorse. I tried working on it but im to tied down with all the Clan stuff =/
Have to agree with Nirvana as well. I was hoping adding more colour would change it for me but yeah not a fan of the STarcraft Font. This is more personal as well but i like a lot of noise, like it busy per say. Rather than just text. Maybe make a banner sort of thing like COTH and s2scl style. Bu yeha as i said, personal. Really do appreciate this thread though i dont know why we didnt start something like this sooner. I dont mind the FAvicon thing though more than happy with that.
Last edited by Torniquet; Mon, 29th-Nov-2010 at 9:05 PM.
No problem at all nirvAnA, any feedback is a hundred times better than no feedback.
The font ( basic sc2 font) is editable in the psd file, so changing it is not a problem. As for the colour matching the site's colour theme, it might be difficult since viewers can choose between blue, green and red... But I don't mind experimenting.
In my opinion, it would be a good idea to have a logo for the site that could be used for the favicon and maybe the T-shirt...
Edit: mmm, 2 new posts while writing my reply to nirvAnA... GSL is more distracting than I thought
@Apth: yup, a competition would be perfect for that, with a vote by the members or just the staff
@Torniquet: for the weekly banner I thought I could go for something simple at first. I'll try something busier then
Last edited by Usul; Mon, 29th-Nov-2010 at 9:14 PM.
Seahorse. TL has the horse, we are a SC site just like the but we are SEA based. Seahorse.
Freakin genius.
I think we should start with a logo, a font and a couple of base colours to use with everything, and we can make it as simple or as complex as we need to depending on whether it's a banner or for shirts or a poster etc.
___________________________________ Apth.767 SEA | NA | KR
Freakin genius.
I think we should start with a logo, a font and a couple of base colours to use with everything, and we can make it as simple or as complex as we need to depending on whether it's a banner or for shirts or a poster etc.
I couldn't agree more, having a logo and using a single font really helps to identify a site quickly. Identity and homogeneity are really important and those are the first things potential sponsors will see...
Talking about sponsors, they may not approve the use of the image of Bart Simpson on the stream splash screen. Just a thought though, no offense meant to mezza or the person who started it.
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