wooo reviving dead things. I got Japetto from high school. Was a nickname a bloke started randomly calling me. About three months later we realized he meant to call me Jiminey Cricket and he stuffed it up but Japetto stuck. I use it wherever I can!
Wish I saw this thread last year, but anywayyyy...
As some of you may know, I was eMp.RavensScout (was simply called Darrell, yes Matt..) before. I got the name from my friend when around 6-10 of us in our year level still played sc2 and that we called the group "Ravens". Since I was the best at scouting among all of us, that's how "scout" happened.
After months of playing and with eMp dying out leading to me moving to AxS, I name changed to ProzeR. I got ProzeR from my NA smurf name, "ProZerRanDom" which is Protoss, Zerg, Terran and Random my clan mates from OD said that the name was too long so I changed it to ProzeR
I remember I came up with my ID only 3 years ago, i used to watch this anime (Fullmetal alchemist) and i really liked the name fullmetal, but since that ID is taken on most games I thought about how awesome David Bowie is and added his name to me incorrectly spelt thus resulting in Fullmetalbawie.
I originally was called moSdef from my call of duty days , because my love for hip hop and
the rapper mos def, but then I thought It was time for change , and iv really liked the name natuRe.. but when I think about it , I wouldent mind going back to moSdef
Mine is quite simple. Its my original x box user name that i had way back [ must of had it for about 8 years or so now lol]. Always been a fan of metal and at the time was really getting into metalcore in particular and just went with it.
Its good though,sometimes random opponents on ladder have a convo with me about music cos they see we like the same type of music.
My name goes back to the first game I ever played online, and that was Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
I called myself Balimaar initially (naming myself after a barbarian chieftain who tortured a Roman general in the old move Fall of the Roman Empire) and while I was learning the maps I used the SMG weapons for my side.
Now like in a lot of FPS games people have this idea that only snipers take any sort of skill. So any time I killed someone they would try to call me a bastard.
Problem there was that the server chat filter would change bastard to bass fish.
So after a day or two of playing I decided to make everyones lives easier and call myself Balimaar The Bass Fish
I used to go by DarKnight_1 in most games I played and its still my nickname amongst my closer buddies. That name suits me too well.
I don't have much of a social life, therefore i was determined to have one in the Starcraft realm. I wanted more people to say hi to me, so "Hey Rob" seemed pretty legit, but i didn't want it to be so obvious.
Replace "Hey" with "Hay" and we have hayrOb. The rest is history. (:
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