Real Name: Justin Joel Chua Hoe Hwee AKA: Elusory Occupation: Student Date of Birth: 5 October 1993 City/Country: Singapore Hobbies: Guitar, Drums, Solving Rubik's cube, Eating, Sleeping Starcraft Goals: Top 8 KR Master League Clan/Team: Time of Rising / Eternal eSports Life and Career Goals: Get married to my long-time girlfriend and have 2 lovely kids, and work in a gaming-related company in a department relevant to my degree (Economics).
Notable Starcraft/Gaming Achievements: N/A Featured Online VODs: N/A
Favourite Strategy: Hitman 8 Gate Favourite Eye Candy: My girlfriend Favourite Food: Cup noodles Favourite Drink: Cup noodles' soup Favourite Movie: Once Upon A Time In Shanghai Favourite Song: How He Loves by John Mark McMillan Favourite Meme: Is this even a meme?
Players Respected: Anyone in SEA who consistently puts in effort to ladder. You're respected for keeping the passion alive! Arch-Nemesis: N/A Best StarCraft player in SEA?: PiG, realistically. DemiLove, in my heart. Best StarCraft player in the world, of all time: Flash. Not a fanboy, but nobody just happen to be the best in BW. He will rise again in LotV!
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