Real Name: Luke Bridley Akas: BiGbiRd Occupation: Being ridiculously good looking :P City/Country: Melrose, South Australia Hobbies: Music, All sports, having good times with friends, fishing etc etc Clan/Team: TA/Teknicity SC2 Goals: Travel internationally and become the best i possibly can Life and Career Goals: Not sure yet but spending a night with Mila Kunis would mean i could die happy!!!
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: WCS Australia 8-12th, Top 3 ARENA ACL qualifier, ACL Melbourne Featured Online Vods: Search Bigbird SC2 in Youtube i guess
Favourite Strategy: Anything involving Warp-prisms Favourite Babe: Mila Kunis Favourite Food: Fillet mignon medium-rare Favourite Drink: Hahn Super Dry/Mother Favourite Movie: So many greats, i'll go with Gladiator/The Shawshank Redemption Favourite Song: Atm The Glitch Mob - Fortune Days but i change tastes a lot
Players Respected: Anyone willing to go to Korea. Arch-Nemisis: My Internet -.- Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: GLaDe Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: I support all SEA players and will watch almost every SEA stream and cheer for them whenever and wherever they are competing. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: SaSe/Creator But seriously you can't deny IMMVP, guys sick.
Bonus Question: When are the Protoss in SEA gonna start reclaiming back this Zerg infested region?
Hopefully soon, Light has started a Protoss fightack and i hope i can stand by his side.
Bonus Question: What are you going to do about it?
Well in the past things have always gotten between me and SC2 and i could not play often/at all due to shit or no internet and work commitments. Recently i quit my job but then spent almost two months at Champi's with no computer which was no-ones fault but my own. However i just turned 21 and have been on holiday but when i get back i will practice my arse off with no restrictions and i am more motivated than ever not only to give Protoss hope in SEA but to try better myself in every way so hopefully i can finally start making a splash
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