Real Name: John Li Akas: xpaperclip. Clearly didn't think it through when I made it, as it has too many syllables and I've been called pc, paperclip, paper, clip, everything except the original source of the ID which was "xp"! Occupation: Student (Postgrad Electrical Engineering) Date Of Birth: 19/03/1988 City/Country: Melbourne, Australia Hobbies: Well I'm submitting this late because I was doing Iron Chef AMV. At the moment I'm also quite interested in media production in general but I'm pretty terrible at it. Clan/Team: None SC2 Goals: Start contributing to this community more. I feel I get a lot of props for doing not so much, so as soon as I graduate (which I hope will reduce the time pressure a bit) I hope to start doing more for this community in a real way. Oh, and my friend keeps telling me I should ladder 1v1 more instead of just playing teams. Life and Career Goals: I don't plan nearly that far enough ahead... I don't even really know what I'm going to do when I graduate. I hope to do something with impact in some field but even which field that will be is up in the air. I tend to take things as they come.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Won BSG #20 after 14 tries with 1st or 2nd round exits (mostly because Dixzor let me win in the finals). Featured Online Vods: Starcraft wise, I know there are two VODs of me on YouTube from BSGs - a loss and a disconnect. Otherwise, you can see some of my past AMVs at and I also have a YouTube channel at (because someone took xpaperclip! ) which at time of writing has only one video of no interest to anyone I'm quite sure.
Favourite Strategy: 15 CC or die trying. Favourite Babe: Er... no idea. Favourite Food: Chicken schnitzel sandwich. Love that stuff. Favourite Drink: Drink far too much water, otherwise Lemon Squash, because I just loved the way Stephen Fry said it in Jeeves & Wooster. Favourite Movie: End of Evangelion
Favourite Song: I have the ABC and BBC news themes in my playlist, so yeah. Take that for what it is. But otherwise I quite like orchestral scores and instrumental music, because your interpretation is less constrained and consequently I feel it more easily transcends cultural boundaries.
Players Respected: Almost everyone, especially in our region. All those who are trying to make it as a pro, especially those going full-time. Mad props for following your dreams. Internationally, it would be remiss of me not to mention SlayerS_`BoxeR'. At those levels, I believe results no longer matter. Arch-Nemisis: No one I hope! Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Looked like it might be have been up for grabs for a while, but mOOnGLaDe rather looks back on point again. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: PiG, tgun, iaguz. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Much too early to say... if you read LR threads on TL the supposed best player in the world changes pretty much after every match. I think Flash has spoiled the standard for "best player" quite a bit and I don't think we have seen anyone who has shown sustained performance for a long enough time. Whether or not "long enough" should be redefined with the much denser tournament schedule might be up for debate. I think MVP probably has the most objective high-level success over a long time, but he certainly isn't infalliable.
Bonus question: In the near future you have 24 hours left on earth before being deported to a far away planet and during the travel you will be in a cryogenic state for the next 50 years. What do you do?
First of all, what is this question! Everyone else got such easy ones!
This is a rather difficult question to answer... It depends a little on what happens after the 50 years, given it is so far away will I ever be in any meaningful contact with Earth again? The most important thing I think would be relationships, because everything else you can manage in your own way and time, but how do you say goodbye for (at least) 50 years? (Not to mention missing the next MSL which is only 40 years away! :P) The word "deported" also suggests some form of wrongdoing, in which case is it sufficiently severe that I would be ashamed to even say goodbye? In any case I honestly have no idea how I would react, and I've thought about it for at least half an hour now. The situation kind of reminds me of Voices of a Distant Star but even worse in timeframe and (possibly?) without the aliens.
You are like one of the pillars of this community. A pillar that works behind the scenes and doesn't get the limelight of other pillars - which I find even more inspiring you keep giving so much.
If this is not much from you.. I look forward to the completely interactive 3D model site you are obviously working on
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