Real Name: Adam Knoblauch Akas: AsylumofSouls; Suipr; Lord of BSG Occupation: Stay at home Parent. Currently transitioning into Air Force Officer. Date Of Birth: December 1st 1981 City/Country: Adelaide, Australia Hobbies: No time for hobbies any more. I used to play poker semi-professionally Clan/Team: Time of Rising SC2 Goals: Find enough time to play and maybe claw my way out of gold league Life and Career Goals: To have fun, be happy and raise my children to do the same
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Came close to winning a BSG once and tore my way to the semis of the BSG Cup but my SC2 achievements are mostly admin related. As for gaming, if you had the chance to watch me play a poker tournament back in my day, you'd have been impressed. I won a few thousand in poker tournaments at the Adelaide casino and have taken a fair chunk of cash off the $1/$2 table. Featured Online Vods: I've had a few quality games cast but would have no idea where to find them and usually people mis-pronounce my name anyway.
Favourite SC2 Strategy: In 1v1 I usually end up with very annoyed opponents typically because they lose a base race or die to mass 3/3 cracklings. Favourite Babe:
Favourite Food: Dumplings in Xi'an China while watching a Tang dyntasty stage show -> Here Favourite Drink: RedEye or Wild Turkey Bourbon and cola Favourite Movies: Fight Club; Matrix Trilogy; Blade; Boondock Saints; Garden State; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Dude, Where's My Car? Favourite Book: Dark Tower series by Stephen King Favourite Song: There are just over 800 songs on my "favourites" list on Winamp (It really whips the Llama's ass). I enjoy stuff from pretty much every genre; Spice Girls or Britney Spears through to Cradle of Filth or Marilyn Manson.
Players Respected: Every player that puts in the time and effort getting good enough to compete in pro tournaments. Arch-Nemesis: ToRVenom. He basically uses me as a way to learn how to defend all the unorthodox or upcoming zerg strats then just kills me with DTs or burrowed infestors every game. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: PiG or mOOnGLaDe Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: ToRsPook and every regular of the weekly BSG Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: NesTea, DongRaeGu or Stephano
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