Real Name: Dorothy Tran Akas: Dot Occupation: Currently undertaking my Masters of Architecture at the University of Sydney whilst working part time at a small Architecture firm Date Of Birth: 28th January City/Country: Sydney! Hobbies: A little bit of photography + guitar Clan/Team: aLt + Zerocraft
SC2 Goals: To learn how to micro so I don't have to just use A-move units Life and Career Goals: To be happy with whatever I do in life, whether it be my career or who I choose as friends and family. So far so good! Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: My biggest achievement in SC2 to date is somehow getting to Top 8 Silver by massing roach hydra EVERY SINGLE GAME. Don't judge me :P
Also, this
Featured Online Vods: There is a rather hilarious VOD of Jared teaching me how to play Starcraft last year. It features me calling drones "people" and blaming my loss against an Ai on Jared's terrible coaching :P (around 21 min). Warning: lots of noob comments from me + my voice can be really annoying
Favourite Strategy: Mass roach hydra, transition into winning or losing, depending on how noob the other player is compared to me Favourite Babe: Jared "TtPiG" Krensel Favourite Food: Pho (Vietnamese beef noodle soup) Favourite Drink: Non-alcoholic - Coke. Alcoholic - Tequila Favourite Movie: Every single Harry Potter movie Wingardium Leviosa! Favourite Song: Take You On A Cruise by Interpol
Players Respected: ¯\_(^(oo)^)_/¯ /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ NOTORIOUS P-i-G + mOOnGLaDe + ninja + iaguz + tgun Arch-Nemisis: The Cat Flasher Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: ¯\_(^(oo)^)_/¯ /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ NOTORIOUS P-i-G Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: ¯\_(^(oo)^)_/¯ /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ NOTORIOUS P-i-G 'cos I him, followed by iaguz for his ability to always find Zerg OP :P Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: I hear the Koreans are pretty good but I only follow the SEA scene so I'll have to say it is, yet again, ¯\_(^(oo)^)_/¯ /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ NOTORIOUS P-i-G!
Bonus question: Why do you think some partners love their other half playing games but others absolutely hate it? Why do you think you have so much support for pigu?:
I think the whole love/hate gaming thing comes from people's attitudes towards gaming itself. I must admit, even I'm surprised sometimes at how things have turned out. I did not grow up playing many games at all. My parents were of the opinion that "playing games rots the mind" and preferred me to do other things like study, study and study. I think my resentment at having lost this opportunity is partly why I'm very happy to be part of such a lovely community. It is very clear to me that Starcraft is more than just a game itself - it is a passion. If anyone told me taking photos was a bad thing I would kick them in the balls.
As for taking this passion and turning it into a job, I also believe people's treatment of this will stem from their life's priorities. As seen above in the "Life and Career Goals" section, my approach to life is to do something that will make me happy. I truly believe this requires a balance between career, friends and family. For example, I could have pursued a career in a field which generally has higher salaries like medicine or law, but I chose architecture because I knew this would interest me the most. In doing so I will go through 5 years of uni as well as years of post-graduate experience before I am even registered as an architect. Then I will earn a bit less than a teacher until maybe 5-10+ years later depending on how ambitious I am. I gladly accept this.
It has been a year since Jared postponed his uni studies to pursue a Starcraft career. I do not regret or resent him one bit for doing so because he puts his heart into it like any other full time job. And this really helps me know he is serious about this. It isn't just an excuse to take a few years off to play games. He has worked hard to get better at the game as well as do all those little things to keep his sponsors happy. And of course, having a girlfriend is pretty much a full time job too :P
We have been happier than ever while being realistic about real life problems such as paying rent, etc. We are not rich by any means - its more the opposite - but **** that! We're young! If you don't pursue your dreams when you have the opportunity then life's pretty damn boring.
Not everyone will think like I do of course. If you have a partner who needs convincing that Starcraft is an awesome game the single MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO is make sure you still spend plenty of time with your girlfriend. If you're so into a game that you neglect her, she's not gonna like it. Big surprise! Likewise if you neglect such lovely things such as hygiene or that much needed hair cut it will also not be looked upon favourably. Try to think of it from her perspective. As long as you're considerate and attentive, you should find the same bestowed on you
Always immense levels of respect for you Dot in a few years time, I hope to be in the position in architecture that your at. Following your passions is something I truly admire and I am looking forward to competiting with you to become one of the leading architectural masters of the 21st century
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