Photo Credit: Appears to be noVeDe. Silly techtron sent me it cropped like this!
Real Name: Lucas Tan Akas: techtron Occupation: Student Date Of Birth: 25/05/1995 City/Country: Melbourne/Australia Hobbies: Starcraft, Volleyball. Clan/Team: Team Eve SC2 Goals: Starcraft II will always just be a hobby for me, but I enjoy playing competitively so I will try to maintain my skills and hopefully remain in these high end competitions! Life and Career Goals: I'm close to my final year of schooling so I want to be able to focus on my studies before my career. I want to travel around the world and learn a new language, I look forward to going Korea at the end of my studies with my bestbud Caution!
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements:
2010 4th at WCG Melbourne
2011 2nd at ACL Regionals (Not sure which tournament it was for)
2012 2nd at ACl Melbourne Regionals
2012 Top8 at ACL Melbourne
Featured Online Vods: I'm not sure if there any vods of myself playing any decent games
Favourite Strategy:
vP - 8pool
vT - Standard LingInfestor
vZ - Surprise spine crawler
Favourite Babe:
Lee Ji Eun
Lee Soon Kyu
Favourite Food: I enjoy most food , parmigiana's go down well. Favourite Drink: I enjoy most drinks. Favourite Movie: There are alot of movies i enjoy such as Law Abiding Citizen, Shawshank and Mulan. Just to name a few... Favourite Song:
but i do enjoy kpop and other types of music.
Players Respected: Pretty much all high caliber players and my teammates of course! Arch-Nemisis: I dont really have any Arch-Nemisis' but i do tend to face alot of the NvTerrans at tournaments and Deth would be one of the big contenders i have to face at the Melbourne Lans Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: from recent WCS Results, moonglade is still the man to beat posting consistent results but i think we will see improvement from the rest of the scene. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: All the players in the Sea Scene are such top guys, so its hard to pick a favourite. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: FruitDealer, was a big part of why i remained with zerg in the early stages of the beta, he was able to showcase all the tricks in the zerg arsenal and made it look so easy!
Bonus Question: Who do you think will win now, Pronkers or Pezzaperry?
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