Real Name: Tileä Flavall Akas: GotC, KiwiGotC, kiwiLighT, KnighTLighT, TileaLighT (upcoming namechange?) Occupation: Student, studying very general/basic subjects Date Of Birth: Fifteenth of March, 1995 City/Country: Currently Seattle/Washington(USA), but I'm from Auckland/New Zealand. Hobbies: I read a lot and I did Archery for a while, but I'm pretty inactive with that now. Starcraft is my primary hobby. Clan/Team: I've been with LighT eSports since they started (second of January, 2012) SC2 Goals: Self-improvement. I'd like to be happy with how I perform and continue to get better. Life and Career Goals: Try to figure out what I want to do. I'm currently unsure of what I want to do over the coming years, yet alone the rest of my life.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Second place at WCS NZ is probably the most notable thing I've done. Besides that I haven't really achieved anything that notable with Starcraft or gaming in general. I have eight(?) top eight finishes and five(?) top three finishes in LANs of varying sizes, but I've never won anything. Featured Online Vods: You should be able to find me in WCS NZ and Oceania, in a few series in ESEA if you dig through casters' histories enough, and maybe a couple games in earlier MLG open brackets (if the VODs for the open bracket MLG streams are even saved/accessible)
Favourite Strategy: I don't know, I do a lot of things. I prefer longer games though. Favourite Babe: I don't know, I don't follow the "babe" scene at all. Favourite Food: Any kind of sandwich with avocado spread and/or asparagus. Favourite Drink: I enjoy water profusely. If I was picking something more interesting I'd say lemonade. I don't like soda very much. Favourite Movie: I don't watch very many movies. From my small list I'd probably pick The Castle. Favourite Song: It shifts between songs from musicals fairly often. Right now I'd say it's Les Misérables - Mon histoire.
Players Respected: (SEA only) I think Rossi/PiG/Light are the best of their respective races. Besides them I don't know very many SEA players besides those who were at WCS. Out of the WCS players I also think that iaguz (excluding TvP), mOOnGLaDe, tgun, and Mafia are good. Arch-Nemisis: I don't think I have one. I went 1-6 against JazBas in WCS NZ and Oceania (and he knocked me out of both events), but I don't consider him a nemesis. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: PiG. I think he's much better than his recent IEM score (1-10) represents. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: I'm biased towards people I talked to at WCS Oceania, out of them I'd probably say Rossi or iaguz. That could change if I got to know other players more though (I only talked to mOOnGLaDe once, for example). Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: In terms of current results I think you have to say MVP (or TaeJa, if you're only looking at recent results). I'd like for GuMiho to do better in the future (and be one of the best), he's been my favourite player for a long time.
Bonus Question: Now that you have experienced the SEA scene how do you think it compares to the NA one? Do you plan to be more involved in our scene? Are you ever going to return to living in NZ?:
The SEA scene seems a lot more friendly, the players are less competitive outside the game than NA players. I imagine that if I watched WCS USA under the same conditions that I watched WCS Australia I would enjoy WCS USA a lot less. Just hanging around in the back room watching WCS Australia was quite enjoyable.
I'd like to go to more SEA events, but unless they have a travel stipend/guaranteed decent prize pool to justify my travel costs I don't think I can go. I'll try to be more involved with the scene, but I'm not a very social/public person in general (I think I have four or five posts on TL, and they're all "I'm signing up for this tournament"), so it may or may not work out.
My family moved to Seattle for my father's work, and I don't think they have any intention of returning to NZ at any point. It was suggested a couple years ago that I could go back to Auckland to study at Auckland Uni and live with my grandfather, I still don't know if I'll do that or not. I have no idea where I want to live later on in life.
An awesome terran and guy ^_^ look forward to more games where i don't herp derp my sentries :P ^_^ and dw about TL post here sc2sea way more friendly i feel
Tileä, what's your family background? You have quite an interesting name, especially with the umlaut which I didn't realise until this thread
Really hope you keep hanging around sc2sea, you don't need to post all the time to be a part of the community Maybe when SEACL rolls around you can get involved on HeroCraft!
You gave one one of the best games ever vs mOOnGLaDe, even though I would say it were the mistakes that made it so back and forth in the end. GG and Gl with LighT! Love the pink hair too
met this guy at WCS NZ, and talked to him a bit online, hes a really nice guy, super mannered and very polite, hope to see him at some more SEA events, and to play him in a tourny sometime : )
What a legend, Played the best TvZ i have ever seen! and i saw it LIVE!
you KnighT
A bit out of topic but i found your pic with KnighT and the one with leg really cool and candid. mopster can you post your photo gallery or smth here with all the players? Can't wait to see the pig ones and stuff! haha
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