Real Name: Brad Baldwin Akas: Baldie, B-Rads, Baldwin Occupation: Event Manager Date Of Birth: 20/02/1991 City/Country: Adelaide/Australia Hobbies: Gaming, European Football, Music, Partying/Socialisng Clan/Team: ToR/Team ToR (Time of Rising)
SC2 Goals:Be majorly involved with the running of the biggest SC2 focused eSports event in the world be that through Event Management, Casting or some other key capacity. Life and Career Goals:
Career: I want to make a lasting and substantial difference to eSports on a global level.
Life: I want to empower and enable people in fulfilling those matters that are of interest or importance to them, and in the process leave them transformed with more power, freedom, self-expresion, and piece of mind.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Presenter of Tasteless’ Birthday Cake at WCSAU, Organiser of Barcraft in Adelaide, Event Manager of South Australian Starcraft League (200+ members), Top 10 non-player contributor to SEA Scene in 2012, MVP of, Prominent SEA Caster looking to go international. My gaming profile is bleak reaching a bling filled Gold league – I would love to eventually find the time to progress to Masters! Featured Online Vods: I don’t get featured, I do the featuring Check my stream out where I cast at !
My claim to fame would be presenting Tasteless his birthday cake at WCSAU (I am on left)
Favourite Strategy: Being a baller nerd who makes people smile and be happy in game and out of game Favourite Babe: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Favourite Food: Home-made gourmet pizza Favourite Drink: Farmers Union Iced Coffee Favourite Movie: Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore Favourite Song: “Techno Fan – The Wombats” always makes me happy
Players Respected: I have huge respect for any player or presenter who is unrestrained in sharing their passion. I’d like to give special shoutouts to Spartaz for his undying passion and support, Reere for his unbelievable support since I took a career in eSports seriously, and Flamga for taking me under his wing when I first started casting and for showing me the ropes. Arch-Nemisis: I love everybody You all get hugs from me whenever you want! Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Mafia probably takes it just for the amount of time he invests without being guided. He has so much self commitment and dedication which I find very inspiring. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Iaguz that sexy bearded man. He is as funny in real life as he is online. His streams are always hilarious with his commentary and 100% honest opinions and he is always willing to have a laugh.. and he is one of the few Terran players to grace the SEA land. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Nestea was unstoppable in his prime and although his results are not up to a level we and he want them to be right now, I never can get over how successful he still is given his age. He will always be remembered even if he doesn’t quite hold the most amount of GSL titles.
Bonus Question: Where do you see yourself 1 year, 3 and 5 years from now?
1 Year: Have either casted and/or event managed a major event (500+ average viewers) within every SC2 region (SEA, NA, EU, TW/KR)
3 Years: Working full-time on a financially stable salary for an international SC2 company such as MLG, ESL in event management, casting or some other key capacity.
5 years: Be majorly involved with the running of the biggest SC2 focused eSports event in the world be that through event management, casting or some other key capacity.
I have a lot of respect for your determination and commitment. It inspires me to keep expanding myself. It's always a pleasure to cast your games! I appreciate your kind words
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