Real Name: Jason Byrne Akas: LordByrnsy, BaronByrnsy, Byrnsy Occupation: Bar Attendant/Useful at Burswood Casino Perth Date Of Birth: 28/02/1988 City/Country: Strayaaaaa! Hobbies: Sc2, Reading, Soccer, Used to be quite into my Taekwondo but I had to stop doing that when I started uni 1 grading away from my black belt! Clan/Team: I'm currently in Clan FaDe. Bunch of awesome dudes and dudettes in there. Much ♥ to them SC2 Goals: I would like to work my way up to masters but I find I never have enough time to sit down and actually study the game and get better... I'm hoping to fix this soon Life and Career Goals: I have so many things I want to do I dont even know where to start! I'd love a career in games. Im studying games design at Uni and I wanna finish that but I'd also love to get into the managment and organising side of Esports.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Personally I feel my biggest accomplishments for the gaming scene were when I joined the ESL team as an admin. From there I learned the ropes of adminning and got more heavily into the scene. From there I've just wanted to do more and more! And so then I became the "head" SC2 admin for SEA and I got to make things happen for ESL the way I liked it. It was amazing, Until ESL had to go on an indefinite hiatus until things get sorted out and we can come back better than ever. What are your future plans? I'm planning at the moment to help set up Team Fade. I'm looking at a managerial role and helping coach them and get another new Team onto the scene. Hopefully within about 6 months Team FaDe will be recognised as a serious pro team and we can duke it out with the best of SEA and the world.
Favourite Strategy:I don't have a particular stratedgy I like at the moment. Its one of the things I need to work on. But I do love warp prism drops! I'm gonna go with those as being my favorite at the moment. Favourite Babe: Scarlett Johansson - This babe is smoking... I ♥ redheads Favourite Food: My new fave food (after experiencing it at WCS) is Korean BBQ!!! Omg that stuff is amazeballs! Favourite Drink: Bourbon and Coke with a bit of ice. Goes down well at any time. Favourite Movie: Star Wars IV, V, VI inclusive, I-III werent all that great tho. Favourite Song: Thats such a hard question as I love all kinds of music... Probably the one that comes to mind first is Battery by Metallica. I love how it starts off slow and then builds up into this awesome fast paced song with lots of energy.
Players Respected: All the top teir players. I realise how much work they put in to be as good as they are.. So anyone in Masters and G-Masters has my respect. Arch-Nemisis: No one really I ♥ everyone. People on SEA are so good to play against. NA seems a lot more BM... So I hang out on SEA pretty much all the time. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: mOOnGLaDe in my opinion.. Dude just has all the experience and results to prove it. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Notorious P.I.G! ♥ That guy. Not just cus hes handsom and extremely well mannered (I also met him at WCS what a baller) but because he started along his path in the SC2 pro scene pretty much around the same time I was getting into the scene so naturally I latched onto his progression as I feel it started at the same time as me. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Me. Haha! This is a very subjective question. I don't know all the players in the world as I'm mostly familiar with the players from SEA and in my opinion your only as good as the next thing you win. But saying that I'm also a bit of a MC fan... So him ;D
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