Real Name: Ryan Low Tian Mun Akas: FlashKyzer, iRLKyzersoze Occupation: Serving NS Date Of Birth: 26/04/1992 City/Country: Singapore Hobbies: Gaming, Learning Japanese, Power Lifting Clan/Team: Flash eSports, Clan Imperial
SC2 Goals: To be able to complete with players from around the globe and show that players from Singapore can be just as competitive. Life and Career Goals: Goals in life: JLPT N1, study abroad at least once, most importantly to be happy in whatever I do. Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: 3rd Place WCS Singapore, 1st Place ESP Cup July, 2nd Place ESP Cup May, 2nd Place SMU Cup Featured Online Vods: against Taiwanese zerg Slam
Favourite Strategy: Make 100 Drones Favourite Babe: Hanazawa Kana Favourite Food: eggs, burgers Favourite Drink: Water Favourite Movie: Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance – It’s the only movie I willing saw twice at the theaters. Favourite Song: Changes all the time but as of writing this, Imaginative Forest:
Players Respected: Stephano, Curious, DRG Arch-Nemisis: Yekke – He has beaten me in many important matches. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Targa did really well in IEM so, Targa. Favourite Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: I like watching jazbaz play because he is really aggressive and does werid things. I like aggressive players. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: KT.Flash, he will destroy everyone.
Bonus question: Why did you call yourself kyzersoze, are u really kyzersoze?
My nick came from the warcraft 3 cheatcode for gold, keysersoze. While thinking of a nick the sound [kaɪzər ˈsoʊzeɪ] came to mind but I spelt it as kyzersoze. I have had people talking about the movie Usual Suspects so many times. Unfortunately, I have not watched that movie at all.
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