Real Name: Alaric Choo Akas: Rekanise / Mformaverick Occupation: Student! Date Of Birth: 30/01/1988 City/Country: Singapore, was born and raised in London Hobbies: WOW, basketball, swimming, poker SC2 Goals: to get good Clan/Team: Eve Life and Career Goals: Be my own boss and get lotsa $$
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: I beat enderr during the previous SEACL Season 1 . He is an incredible player! I'll be taking part in more tournaments this year for sure
Featured Online Vods: There are a handful on youtube, EveRekanise
Favourite Strategy: I like weird timing pushes Favourite Babe: Sophie Willocq Favourite Food: I’ll like a lot of stuff.. guess I like steaks the most Favourite Drink: coke and beer Favourite Movie: Gladiator / A beautiful mind Favourite Song: anything from avicii / armin
Players Respected: I respect players that are good, well mannered and have EQ (people like enderr). A lot of good players tend to lack in one of these areas and essentially become an embarrassment to the community. These guys should be role models and not kids. So in no particular order,
all the Eve guys, you guys are some of the most talented, loyal and big hearted people I have ever met.
aLtsheepy & aLtduckie, brilliant people. Their coaching and guidance have been instrumental.
Nirvana, I was watched him a lot before picking up the game myself.
There are a lot of players I’d love to mention but I’m doing this while I’m on holiday so I’m a little rushed sorry..~
Arch-Nemesis: people not worth mentioning Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Moonglade Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: boxer, hero
Random last words: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something? Go get it. Period
Bonus Question 1: How on earth did EvE go from a new upcoming clan to the powerhouse it is today in such a short time? How did you manage to become so tightly bonded and yet so manner to everyone? Share with us your secrets dear leader!
Well.. in the beginning it was just jaff and I. We didn’t really have anything going for us at that point of time. All we had was ideals of what we wanted in a team, we had an idea and we stuck to it and at times it got really hard because of that.
In short, we had a handful of talented players and we did well as a result of that allowing for us to attract more talents. We always felt manner and humility to be essential traits when recruiting players so no matter how talented a player was we would see how he got along with the rest of the team. We would also include all our members at important junctures and decisions so that everyone would have their say.
Recruits would be put on a long trial so we could get an idea of how the person was like and that resulted in a lot of people being turned down. We never mass recruited nor tried to grab players from other teams. We weren’t backed by a sponsorship if not it would have been pretty easy to just select all the top players from every team, what skill does that take?
Manner came as a result of our recruitment policy and if we didn’t like what a player was doing we’d just tell him what the problem was.
We were pretty lucky overall. We had specific ideals and stuck to it. We were just fortunate to meet other players that were incredibly talented and of like mindedness.
Random last words: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something? Go get it. Period
I heard this spoken by Will Smith in a movie once. I forget what movie, but it's a sick quote.
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