Real Name: Brendan Cook Akas: Erasmus Occupation: Software Engineer for Toshiba. Currently I maintain the automated testing suite we have for the printer drivers I spent most of the previous three years helping to develop. Date Of Birth: 21/12/1987 City/Country: Sydney, Australia Hobbies: Soccer/Skiing/Starcraft/eSports. SC2 Goals: Nothing in particular. Not really a personal goal, but I want to see esports in SEA go as far as possible. I think the community here is a in a great shape. Anything that I do from here I want to try and help grow the scene for our top players to get the exposure they deserve.
I'd also like to see how far I can get as a player, but probably not very far, unfortunately. Clan/Team: Time of Rising Life and Career Goals: Really hate to be boring, but it's all pretty generic in here for now. I have a decent job, enough to get by with. Provided I can do that and keep doing things I love outside it I will be happy. I would love to one day live outside of Australia though. Not sure about that yet, though, but I love experiencing other cultures.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Nothing as a player. Featured Online Vods: There are a few games of me taking a bunch of wins in the PDCL over on my good mate Snod's stream at www.twitchtv/thesnod, and also on www. twitchtv/stallion15. Nothing worth digging through their archives to find, though.
Favourite Strategy: I really love mech play as terran. It depresses me that blizzard made this so much more difficult to do than anything else in sc2. Favourite Babe: Zooey Deschanel. Favourite Food:: Hard to answer this. I'm a bit of a foodie, and really like eating nice gourmet meals. So no one thing I could really call my favourite. Also part of the reason I learned to cook really well. Favourite Drink: Going by regularity of consumption, definitely coffee. But I do appreciate nice beer (especially german wietbeers) and red wine (especially some of the less common varieties like tempranillo) Favourite Movie: There's a bit of a running joke with my friends that I don't watch movies at all, because I don't watch many, especially lots of things people think are just classics that -everyone- around my age has seen. In general, I don't really care enough to have a real favourite. Favourite Song: Po rcupine Tree - Trains
Players Respected: Too many to name. I obviously respect pretty much all of the top players in SEA. Particular shoutout to the sydney boys, as all of the ones I've met have just been extremely nice guys. Also glade who came down for SGL.
Outside of the elite players, I respect pretty much everyone on ToR and also my friends at crux. Just to name one player of each race from ToR that I think could be someone to really watch out for: ITerran Danosaur, IProtoss Trusty and the one and only Superman. Arch-Nemesis: Has to be the Ezdrid. Still going with our long-winded but intensely amusing Bo93. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Moonglade. The gap has closed significantly, but I don't think we're ready for the title to be handed over just yet. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: MMA. He normally comes out with the best builds to win games, especially against MVP.
Bonus Question: We saw you dip your hands into admining by being the head of the PDCL last year. Do you plan to go into more of an Admin or player route this year?
Right at this second, I'm just focusing on playing, and trying to finally hit that elusive masters league. I've spoken to a few people in the community once or twice about some other projects I might commit to, and hopefully one (or more) of these gets off the ground so I can copntribute some more to this amazing community.
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