Real Name: Robbie Verspui Akas: Strafe Occupation: Retired poker player Date Of Birth: 27-10-85 City/Country: Bangkok/Thailand Hobbies: SC2, the rest is not important SC2 Goals: Play GSL and qualify for code A Clan/Team: None Life and Career Goals: Become active in the Esports world and sustain myself financially doing so
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: ESTC 3d place. It's actually one of the tournaments I've participated in. I am usually too forgetful to play online tournaments. But in the future I definitely plan on playing a lot more. I only started playing end of March and then I had a 2.5 month hiatus where I went to Vegas to play the WSOP. But now I want to focus completely on SC2, so you can expect me to enter more tournaments from now on. Featured Online Vods: Not that I know off, lol. Favourite Strategy: I have a few, but my favorite is fast expansion vs zerg into a 2 base timing push. I just love how long games develop around this or kill them straight up. Favourite Babe: Maria Sharapova Favourite Food: Whale Bacon Favourite Drink: Red wine Favourite Movie: Starship Troopers Favourite Song: Bubble pop
Players Respected: TLO, he isn't the best of all players, but somehow draws large crowds by marketing himself and maintaining an entertaining play style. MVP for simply performing so well throughout the short life of SC2. Arch-Nemisis: Considering I haven't played on too many tournaments I wouldn't say I have one. I have beaten everyone on the SEA server a few times except for Jazbass, so he is as close as it gets. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Moonglade. Simply because he has the best performances thusfar, but I think this can change quickly. There are some other very talented players like YoonYJ, Jazbass, Revz, etcetera who can take this place when they start getting some results. Best under rated Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Might be me. Since I've not participated in any events it's hard to expect anything good from me without results. Although I'm fairly confident I CAN compete with the top at SEA. I've heard countless of times what an upset it is that I beat enderrr at the ESTC in Bangkok and what a major upset. Whereas I actually thought that I had a 50/50 match against him or better. My TVZ can be very strong when I play well. Coming from a brood war background where I was playing a lot of events under pressure and live and also being in my own city, Bangkok, I think I had the advantage here. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Must be MVP. Some might say Nestea, but he plays the wrong race.
Very confident from someone we've seen almost nothing from. Show us what you have!
Azz had a chance at this one point in the game where he had a nexus and 6 probes. But he found a way to **** it up from there 3 times in a row - Iaguz
Yea hes quite low profile which is exactly what these Whos who profiles aim to do, to give exposure to these talented players!
Other notes for players who might not have heard of him:
He was from the old school brood war legendary super clan, ToT which only the best of the best get invited to join. Mondragon's clan with Ret, Testie, Sen, Yosh, etc
He made over $500k USD from live tournament cashes in poker this year alone.
Took down Ender in ESTC 2-0. Ender had just beat RedArchon 2-0 a few weeks ago.
Currently ranked #3 in the GM ladder behind TigerSPR and xGkingiaguz
how the **** does everyone seem to make a ton of money off poker...?!?!
Be really really good. There is a ton of competition in poker. My question is, why are there so many poker players who decide to play starcraft?
Azz had a chance at this one point in the game where he had a nexus and 6 probes. But he found a way to **** it up from there 3 times in a row - Iaguz
A lot of the very best poker players online came from the Starcraft scene at the start. Hence a lot of good poker players were/are actually Starcraft fanatics. I found out about poker through Liquid`Nazgul, the owner of TL and also my real arch nemesis as he always beat me in Dutch tournaments, not letting me win any WCG
Also poker is a lot of hard work nowadays. Many people have figured out how to play reasonably well and I wouldn't advise anyone investing a lot of time into it now. Some will still make a lot of money when they are talented, but fact of the matter is that most will just waste hours of valuable time trying. And for the few that are talented enough to make large amounts of money, they will probably succeed in other areas too. Said in short, poker isn't a goldmine(anymore).
really?i've heard players saying sc2 is harder than poker(such as mafia). i dont know how pro poker players work, but do they study the game 8 hours a day like how sc2 pros do? im thinking of picking up poker, would you say mastering every information on a site like be enough for pro-level play or do you actually need talent to be even near there?
really?i've heard players saying sc2 is harder than poker(such as mafia). i dont know how pro poker players work, but do they study the game 8 hours a day like how sc2 pros do? im thinking of picking up poker, would you say mastering every information on a site like be enough for pro-level play or do you actually need talent to be even near there?
But it is really hard to play poker 8 hours a day completely focused, and when you lose focus it costs money. Whereas you still gain with SC2 even when not playing 100% serious.
If you really do invest 8 hours a day, you will still win at poker. But it is not likely going to be 100k USD a year. That will only happen with talent.
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