You can also check out his up and coming player profile we did awhile ago here!
Real Name: David Rossi Akas: Earl squirrelson, Franklin Mclolahan Occupation: Marketing Assistant, Student Age 19 City/Country: Australia, Syd Hobbies: Gym, Spelunking, standup comedy, SC2 Goals: To continue to improve and moving up the SEA rankings. Clan/Team: Clan Terror Australis, Team InTime Life and Career Goals: Current goal is simply to continue to work part time and finish my full time degree.
Favourite Strategy: The Procedure Favourite Babe: Kate Upton Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Drink: Protein Shake Favourite Movie: Billy Madisson Favourite Song: Power - Kanye West
Players Respected: too many to list Arch-Nemisis: Han Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Deth and Edge Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: fxOtGuN
Did he really say too many to list? Because it seems like when you have as long as you like to type them out there should be no real limit to the list.
Seems like most of the content is from the liquipedia page I made :3
Also you say "we" did the Up and Coming feature, does that mean you think of me as part of SC2SEA? n_n
___________________________________ Brendan "TAdeL" Ferguson Clan TA | Twitter | YouTube
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