Real Name:Kristoffer Marthinsen Akas:TargA Occupation:Student Date Of Birth:15 04(april) 1990 City/Country:Melbourne,Norway Hobbies:TV-series, powerlifting/strongman and sc2 SC2 Goals:have fun Clan/Team:inFi Life and Career Goals: have fun
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: qualified for a few big Norwegian tournaments. WC3: won a lot of Norwegian lans, played IESF 2010, played, and got th000 to tell me to shut the **** up Featured Online Vods:none
Favourite Strategy: winning Favourite Babe: all the beautiful Australian girls : ) Favourite Food: taco Favourite Drink:corona/heineken Favourite Movie: Machete Favourite Song:Rebecca Black - Friday
Players Respected:Moon and Creo Arch-Nemisis:StyGGeN Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Moon-glade Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Moon
As someone new who has just moved to Australia, what do you think of the SEA scene and how do you think you will perform in Code S?:
The SEA scene is awesome so far, a lot of friendly guys and some good players. Since the playerbase is rather small the skill level is not comparable with the European scene but there's a lot of potential to say the least. Though there always seems to be an Australian player kicking ass ( philbot in wc3 and moon-glade), I hope to see more up and coming players do good internationally!
To be honest I have to idea how I will perform in the code S tournament, I have no clue about the skill level of the other guys and I feel like I should have demolished the Code A finals but I was a bit unlucky and it's hard to prepare on maps I have barely played and vs players I do not know at all. I hope I can play some good games and that my opponents won't sit in their base behind towers and tanks and slow push with a 200/200 army.
Targa with famous players ORC legend Grubby, ialt PpG, Smelly nightelves Creo and nightend!
played him in ngl, i think it was 3-3 or something and i was winning with a joke strat (potm hunt naga archers) vs human. I was destroying his buildings and his army was pretty much dead. Then he "disced", they had a teamhouse and a bunch of the other wnv guys were obsing, he was the only one that disced.. So when he got back on garena he started to whine and said he would win etc, i wrote a smiley and he told me to shut the **** up. In the end I got the win ( ngl admins only admins that werent biased as **** in wc3) and we won the match.
I have a similar story vs grubby, i was winning vs him in nations war, game was pretty much over and then the host disced. Grubby started whining, he told the admins that he was winning and then he got a regame and even got the admins to apologize to him.
never beat grubby in a tournament and i lost the regame, my mind went to shits after the admins gave him the regame. He beat me with a pretty bad strategy as well, made me look like a complete noob ^^
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