New map pool for Season 2. And as PiG found out on the weekend, in use for this round of WCS events. Port Aleksander LE, Automaton LE, and Year Zero LE are all being removed to make way for Acropolis LE, Thunderbird LE and Turbo Cruise '84 LE.
Acropolis is a small map with a high-ground centre. Nothing particularly interesting or concerning.
Thunderbird is a little larger, but it has depleted mineral patches which each only have 5 minerals. The only way to get rid of them? A mining trip. This is an interesting way of changing up the paths through the map, but I wonder how it will change up the map in actual play.
Turbo Cruise '84 is the most contentious of the lot, and looks like it'll get veto'd a lot. It has slow fields all down the central path. These look like they will slow down pushes and change up engagements or just force players to use the outsides of the map more. I am interested to see how strategies develop on this map, but I understand people's reservations.
So, what do people think? How much have we played on these? What works? What doesn't?
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