I decided that it was my turn to give something back to the scene that associate myself with. So here we go!
I would like to host a $750 dollar league that takes place twice a week ( Tuesday and Saturday Nights at this stage), probably running over about 6 weeks. The Prize pool will start at 750 NZD, but if anyone would like to contribute to the prize pool that'd be awesome, just send me a message. At this stage I was thinking of top 8 being in the money, something like this.
Eddie has kindly offered OSC points for the DFL and will be distributed as follows:
1st - $300 + 275 OSC points
2nd - $175 + 175 OSC points
3rd - $100 + 120 OSC points
4th - $75 + 75 OSC points
5th-8th - $25 + 30 OSC points each
9-16th 10 OSC points each
17-32nd 5 OSC points each
I haven't organised a team to help me in this endeavor, so casting and admining will at this stage be limited to me, I am kind of counting on some community help with this aspect of the league and I'm sure I'll be able to guilt trip a few people into helping me :P If you do want to help just drop me a message on Skype - davidgore7
Format-wise it's gonna kick off with two qualifiers in which the top 32 players over both qualifiers will have gained themselves a place in Code F. from here the 32 players that make Code F will play a bo5 match for their chance to advance to Code W. These matches will be decided by the top point earners picking the player of their choice to play. Code W will then be played out in 4 groups of 4 where the top 2 players advance from each group giving us a top 8. From here we have a single elim bo5 bracket with a bo7 grand finals. I know the format isn't anything new or special but i always thought it'd be cool to have our own kind of GSL league to play in rather than just weekly tournaments.
I have a rough schedule worked out, the plan is as follows
Sat 16 Jan - Code F qualifier 1 at 7pm NZT
Sun 17 Jan - Code F qualifier 2 at 4pm NZT
To be Streamed at: http://www.twitch.tv/mightykiwi
Code F matches: Tuesdays and Saturdays @8pm NZT
With 3 matches being played on a Tuesday and 4 on a Saturday
Running from Tuesday 18th Jan - Tuesday 2nd of Feb
Code W Groups: Tuesdays and Saturdays @8pm NZT
With 1 group being played out each day
Running from Saturday the 6th of Feb - Tuesday the 16th of Feb
Code W Round of 8 played on Saturday the 20th of Feb @8pm NZT
Code W Round of 4 played on Tuesday the 23rd of Feb @8pm NZT
Bronze match and Grand Finals on Saturday the 27th of Feb @ 8pm NZT
This is my current idea, obviously it will have hiccups along the way and may be changed. but you have to start somewhere. Having a weekday and a weekend day should make it more flexible for some players and allow me to schedule around some conflicts. This time should be alright for most i hope, if not the weekend day should help with that too.
It will be Open to SEA + OCE players and of course our friends from India and Japan
Will try to update the OP or make a new post/tweet about casters and streams that things will happen on
Qualifiers will just be a single elim bracket with all matches being bo3 and the top 32 point earners will qualify for Code F
Points for the Qualifiers will be as Follows
1st - 100 points
2nd - 60 Points
3rd/4th - 40 points
5th-8th - 20 points
9th-16th - 10 points
17th-32nd - 5 points
Oseanic StarCraft 2 Championship Series
The David Filth League is a partnered tournament of the Oseanic StarCraft 2 Championship Series (OSC). The OSC is the Oceanic, South East Asian, North American and Chinese regional championship, which follows a yearly season format, where players earn points for placing in all partnered tournaments.
The top 32 players ranked via the OSC Player Leader board at the end of the season are then invited to play in the minimum $7000+ Grand Finale to determine the yearly champion! OSC World Rankings were established in December 2012.
In 2015 OSC partnered tournaments gave away $49770 combined prizepool, we had 189 completed partnered tournaments (up 22% on 2015), and saw 488 individual players with points earned (up 39%)
Anyone else not able to sign up to the second one?
mk fixed it now. should be fine. do try again ^^
___________________________________ player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
I have heeded the advice of the legend Eddie, so we're gonna change the qualifier format a bit:
2 Qualifiers still, but we will be awarding points based on how well you do in each qualifier, so you're gonna want to play in both and play your games out because it will be worth it for you. The players with the top 32 points will be in Code F. The player with the most points will be offered the first choice of the player he/she wants to play for their Code F bo5 match. In the event of a tie in points the player with the higher aligulac rating will get first pick. This rule will not be applied where there is a tie for the 32nd spot in code F, instead map score will be taking into account and if somehow that's a tie, a head to head bo1 will be played out.
Points for the Qualifiers will be as Follows
1st - 100 points
2nd - 60 Points
3rd/4th - 40 points
5th-8th - 20 points
9th-16th - 10 points
17th-32nd - 5 points
Last edited by syfMightyKiwi; Fri, 8th-Jan-2016 at 10:39 PM.
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