Time and time again, I've found that people have a knack for posting the best one liners (literally one line, heh) right as they hit an important milestone.
Let's see some of the best that sc2sea has to offer!
I'll start with this little gem
she's 16, Nemo breadfan has reached 3500 chatbox lines!
Let's try and keep it to only milestones (such as 1000, 2000, or whenever that chatbox tells you that you've hit one)
Will clean this OP up when I sober up tomorrow hah
After some Lilakian advertising for her website (read from bottom to top):
Today 2:41 PM: Cute: best 3500 ever
Today 2:41 PM: Cute: hahah
Today 2:41 PM: breadfan: *breadfan has reached 3500 chatbox lines!*
Today 2:41 PM: breadfan: she's 16, Nemo
Today 2:41 PM: Cute: I want a website
Today 2:41 PM: cruxStallion: send her valentines hate mail im sure she never get shtat :P
Today 2:41 PM: Nemo: (Edit · Delete) She's not married guys, gogogo
Today 2:41 PM: cruxStallion: im sure zepph is used to that del be more orginal
Today 2:40 PM: Nemo: (Edit · Delete) http://lilakian.moonfruit.com/#/about/4560083975
Thu, 3rd-Nov-2011 3:02 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) The two D3 keys prize winenrs for the news post below will be announced tomorrow
Thu, 3rd-Nov-2011 3:02 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) *nirvAnA has reached 400 chatbox lines!*
Thu, 8th-Dec-2011 3:32 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) maynarde ure so mean
Thu, 8th-Dec-2011 3:32 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) *nirvAnA has reached 2400 chatbox lines!*
Fri, 16th-Dec-2011 10:25 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) chat gonna die for 2 mins
Fri, 16th-Dec-2011 10:25 PM: nirvAnA: (Edit · Delete) *nirvAnA has reached 2700 chatbox lines!*
Fri, 9th-Dec-2011 12:57 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) when i saw that on camera i was like OH GOD NOT NOW FFS
Fri, 9th-Dec-2011 12:57 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) *dippa has reached 1300 chatbox lines!*
Tue, 3rd-Jan-2012 4:20 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) getting in and out of your mum, definitely
Tue, 3rd-Jan-2012 4:20 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) *dippa has reached 2500 chatbox lines!*
Fri, 6th-Jan-2012 1:07 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) chicks are more adventurous the older they get
Fri, 6th-Jan-2012 1:07 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) *dippa has reached 2800 chatbox lines!*
(not chatbox lines, but still...)
Wed, 11th-Jan-2012 1:13 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) ive had jam with steak and sausage rolls before
Wed, 11th-Jan-2012 1:13 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) ive also had honey with sasuage rolls and meat pies
followed by ...
Wed, 11th-Jan-2012 1:14 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) nah, i once had sex with a chick who had a lazy eye
Wed, 18th-Jan-2012 3:19 AM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) its ******* starcraft, you're not stripping naked and swimming down the brisbane river
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 6:16 PM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) is she an elegant shitter?
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 6:16 PM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) im fairly sure everyone's had a shotgun shit at some point in their lives
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 6:16 PM: dippa: (Edit · Delete) *dippa has reached 4000 chatbox lines!*
This isn't a one-liner but something funny that happened in chatbox which ended with a line milestone.
[8:52 PM] TAEdarus: Will you be my intercontinental valentine?
[8:52 PM] TARogue: only if u dont tell yang
[8:52 PM] SQLTt.yang: Hey guys!
[8:52 PM] TARogue: LOL
[8:52 PM] SQLTt.yang: ...hold on a second
[8:52 PM] TARogue: yannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
[8:52 PM] TAEdarus: Oh noes
[8:52 PM] SQLTt.yang: don't think that will make me forgive you
[8:52 PM] TARogue: busted
[8:52 PM] TAEdarus: EPIC TIMING
[8:52 PM] TAEdarus: We were just talking about you
[8:53 PM] TAEdarus: and how she loves your penis
[8:53 PM] TAEdarus: and hates mine
[8:53 PM] TAEdarus: hates it man, with a passion
[8:53 PM] TAEdarus:
[8:53 PM] TAEdarus has reached 2500 chatbox lines!
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 8:16 PM: dippa: is she an elegant shitter?
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 8:16 PM: dippa: im fairly sure everyone's had a shotgun shit at some point in their lives
Tue, 7th-Feb-2012 8:16 PM: dippa: *dippa has reached 4000 chatbox lines!*
[8:58 AM] Maynarde: Erasmus please, I can't get boners at work my peers don't appreciate it
[8:58 AM] Asrathiel: they might secretly appreciate it, maynarde...
[8:58 AM] |Erasmus|: i didn't say anything about yours...
[8:58 AM] |Erasmus| has reached 11500 chatbox lines!
Previously known as ToREchoFive ToREchoFive.923
[4:35 PM] Bash: if you've seen, then you understand i'll have to end you?
[4:36 PM] breadfan: i understand that i'll have to invite you around to show you my big one
[4:36 PM] breadfan has reached 4500 chatbox lines!
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