Also has anyone yet to pick up "Your Lie in April". Actually this season come to think of it is ridiculously stacked:
* Log Horizon S2
* Durarara Shou (been waiting for this one for ages!)
* Kuroko no Basket S3
* Aldnoah Zero S2
yea i'm pretty keen to see Log Horizon S2. Started of slow for me, as in took me a while to get into it, but by the end of the first season i was hooked and am pretty darn keen to see S2 and how it plays out
Talk about necros Soul, this season hasn't been too bad so far either.
Continuation of Kuroko, which has been sick and delivered to date, Baby Steps Season 2 is out (been hyped for this for a long time), ahhh the sad truth of DxD Born and I'm yet to get into continuing Fate/Stay (I really wish I had the time to commit to my shows TT)
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Depending on various factors like your age, activity level, and the severity of your bunion, your surgeon will choose one of many surgical procedures, including osteotomy (what are bunions on feet bone realignment), arthrodesis (joint fusion), resectional arthroplasty (removal of the damaged joint), or exostectomy (removal of the bunion bump only). Exostectomy is rarely performed alone; since it does not realign the big toe joint, the what causes bunions often recurs.In fact, the only thing known about his life for sure is his love of video games and ... During the killing game, Kokichi lies that he is the supreme leader of a large, evil .... Monokuma goes on to reveal the additional motive, that if a murder did not ..... loss of a kindhearted soul such as Gonta, nobody blaming him for his actions.
I do like anime! Sorry for late to thread. I used to watch Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Black Lagoon. Now I'm watching Naruto Shippuden on because it has no ads.
Last edited by aLtNinja; Wed, 20th-Apr-2022 at 1:02 PM.
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