Test 2 - Rush (Kerrigan's Wrath) - looks like backwater gulch 1.3. There is also a very easily taken 3rd. However in a TvZ, a successful bunker rush will hit the natural and cover the ramp!
Test 3 - Normal (Shifted Sky) - seems decent but the gold will most likely not be taken in a close air spawn. The normal mineral base in the middle will also be hard to take in a close land spawn.
Test 4 - Macro - just reminds me of Gutter hulk a 2v2 map. Reapers will most definitely see play in this map. Cliff jumping will make scouting easier after the initial worker scout is done.
Both the new 2v2 maps are shared base. Finally! It will make defending against cheese easier and prevent a 2v1 attacker advantage when a Protoss just FF one guy ramp and attack the other guy.
3v3 and 4v4 maps are decent. New additions to the map pool are already good. And they are going for a more casual format which should help the casual crowd. 1 base carrier rush for the win. Personally I feel it is a step up from the current map pools.
The maps look ok but I am not a fan of the first map listed
Test 1 - Normal - looks like a remodel version of 3v3 map Ulaan Depths.
I think bunker rushes will be very strong on this map.
I also think the third gold is a little to easy to get if a protoss or terran get a third gold it will be just like xel naga when the gold is taken. Its also pretty secure in the little hole like thirds on backwater gulch
Test 1 looks like it will be impossible to take a 3rd for a zerg. Expecting most zergs to either 2 base allin or just veto this map if it comes out.
Test 2 seems to have an inaccessible by ground cliff above the 3rd. Lost temple v2?
Test 3 seems to be alright : multiple attack routes, lots of chokes. With the ramp being similar to shattered/lost temple, I expect a lot of FE builds on this map.
Test 4 would favor terran a bit with that xel naga in the middle giving the terran access to 2 golds and the ramps leading to the xel naga would make it really hard to break any sort of defense there.
Looking at all these maps from the perspective of a zerg and they make me sad.
I only really like the 3rd and 4th maps. The 2nd looks like a strategical nightmare with all the entrances and the 1st has one of the hardest to take 3rd bases...
I am completely confused as to why they would create these new (and terrible based on a first look) maps when maps like Terminus, Crevasse, Dual Sight etc are all tried and tested.
Purposefully creating maps designed for rushing is a terrible idea. Allins are something to pull out in a series at a strategic time, not something to base an entire playstyle around.
For you zergs out there, I am curious as to how you would stop a 2 base tank marine push on the following map in the non cross spawn positions (Cross spawn is only SLIGHTLY better as well >< )
I dislike the fact you can siege in your main and be hitting someone elses base on map 4.. other than that these maps are pretty dodgy from the most part.
It is the 3rd base anyway that can be sieged. I do believe that if you know your enemy main is besides your potential 3rd, you will not want to expand there. Unless you do like to expand towards your enemy and expanding in a base that is easily attacked and hard to defend.
Moreover these are testing maps, there may still be changes done to them but the chances of it happening are low. The amount of rage caused by slag pits resulted in only a cosmetic change to the map layout/
I'm more interested is what maps will be removed in order for these new maps to be added in. DQ,SS and Slag Pits are prime contenders. But it's just that Slag Pits is a new map and a lot of people are bored with Xel Naga Caverns.
Also July 1st seems to be the rumored start date of a new ladder season. Given how Blizzard were saying they want a 3month ladder season.
Early game loss = Cheese
Mid game Loss = All in
Late game Loss = Imbalance
Also July 1st seems to be the rumored start date of a new ladder season. Given how Blizzard were saying they want a 3month ladder season.
Can't be July 1 since they are supposed to lock the ladder for two weeks before the end of each season, and they would normally announce that kind of deliberate lock.
Can't be July 1 since they are supposed to lock the ladder for two weeks before the end of each season, and they would normally announce that kind of deliberate lock.
Oh yes I totally forgot about that. Given that the PTR is also not up with the new maps yet, I guess it will take at least 1 month more.
I'm also guessing that we will have maybe 2 more seasons of ladder before HOTS comes.
Early game loss = Cheese
Mid game Loss = All in
Late game Loss = Imbalance
At this pace, big tournaments will be held on non-ladder maps. I have a feeling Blizz is trying to accommodate for bsg, and offer maps that favor rush and 1-base play.
many of these maps look very very similar to ICCup maps imo
but guess thats not a bad thing, though I would prefer the maps to have a little more visual flair like the GSTL maps
Our goal for the 1v1 ladder map pool is to have the most competitive, balanced maps across three main categories. We want to have a good mix of maps that give a lot of variety which, in combination with our veto system, should empower each player to customize their map list to best fit their individual playstyle.
1v1Test1 -- Normal: This map features close rush distances in most start locations, and the natural expansion is fairly easy to access, due to the rock guarding a part of the choke point. This means that the map won’t be strictly about the rush.
1v1Test2 -- Rush: is a symmetric map with no spawn point that is favored over the others. Without breaking the two rocks, this map is very straightforward to play, but when the paths blocked by rocks are opened up, you'd better take notice!
1v1Test3 -- Normal: Unlike 1v1Test2, 1v1Test3 will have varying gameplay depending on where you and your opponent spawn. You’ll want to bring multiple strategies to this map, and adjust your game depending on your and your opponent’s start locations. This map also features an extremely large number of different attack paths, some of which can be opened up by breaking rocks.
1v1test4 -- Macro: This is the macro map for Season 3. Early on, it will be possible to easily take two expansions. This, along with the long rush distances in all start locations, will most likely encourage players to go for a mid- or late-game strategy, rather than a quick, rush-based strategy.
So basically what Blizzard has stated in this thread is that they are retards.
The thread has just proven that the map pool has not been balanced around eSports (sc2 at a competitive level) but around casual players between bronze and diamond level whom blizzard believes need to have maps catered to them to help them practice their "play style"
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