I was just telling my little girl that there is a PiG's lan and she said... will there be Angry Birds there too? (aftereffects of watching the Angry Bird's movie last week)
Have fun everyone ^^ Wish I could be there :'(
___________________________________ player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
People have been asking if this is going to be BYOC - it's absolutely not. We're just going to have 4 Tournament PCs setup (might try to squeeze in a few more in the future) and we'll take turns playing on those. Won't be much time for warmup so we can get through all the matches, but as long as we start on time it should be sweet.
I know a lot of people won't get too much playtime but most of the event will be focused on watching and casting the games whilst socialising over beer and bbq, so being knocked out shouldn't be too much of a pain
Ok sounds silly after my previous post but I've realised I still need 3 PCs (one extra to be safe incase one fails) to round out PCs to play on. I'm reaching out to you guys hoping someone who lives close-by has one they can lend us for the day (we can drive to pick it up and drop it back if you're close). Or someone already planning to drive down who would be able to bring their gaming rig down. Doesn't need to be brand new crazy powerful PC - just enough to run SC2 on low without dropping under 100fps in big fights.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out! Let me know
I don't want anyone going to any crazy lengths for this - I'm sure I can find some - but I figured the easiest way would be just to ask here first and see if anyone's able to help
MOAR INFO from the FB event:
Hey guys, the events getting close, it's on this Saturday!
Main details
Starts: 10am - play will kick off no later than 11am.
Address: 2/24-26 Mary St, Lidcombe (5 minute walk from the station)
Food and drink: We'll be providing plenty of beer, sausages, salad etc. for everyone, if you want anything special feel free to byo.
Entertainment: We'll have the tournament stream playing on the big screen television as well as plenty of other nerds to share a drink and hang out with.
Commentary: I want everyone to take a turn joining the commentary crew - it'll be super casual so no pressure
Bonus: If you're a hearthstone player - bring your tablet/phone and we might set up some casual tournament or matches for those who are knocked out! I look fwd to battling people with my year-old decks
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