I enjoy playing as zagara. You can only max on 100 supply, but you get infinite larvae, cheap units and tons of banelings for free.
However, I don't think co op will stand the test of time at all. Im level 10 as zagara and I feel like missions on brutal are now unloseable, even if my ally doesn't do much. I shudder to think how easy it will be at level 15. Getting to level 15 is a pretty long task given how tedious/repetitive the missions are, I doubt many will do it on all commanders. They should either ramp up the difficulty of brutal even further so you're forced to work as a team or lose, OR add another difficulty above it.
Thxs to Probe I like Vorazun ^^ because you cant just have too many dts ^^^^^
___________________________________ player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
I've played Vorazun the most (Lvl 8). DT's and Blink Stalkers FTW!
Have tried all the character up to at least level 3.
If I were to rank them for strength in the early-mid levels i'd go:
Zagara's limited supply and weak units don't really interest me. Plus zerg can't really expand in co-op, as they would normally in other formats.
Zagara is pretty much only one I've played, at lv 13 atm. Her strength is in how cheap her exploding units are (banes and scourge). Banes get spawned for free periodically at baneling nest and the scourge cost almost nothing once you have the hive upgrade. Abberations spawn 2 banes when they die, and at lv 14 banes split into more banes. All you have to do is A-move into enemy units andd they explode. You get scourge ups at lv 4 and the free banes at lv 7. Abberation death banes are lv 8.
While you cant expand infinitely, you can expand the fastest out of all the current heroes. First thing I do is make a pool, no drones. Make a large round of lings, kill the rocks and expand before making a queen. Once you have lv 12 and swarmlings, you can take the natural at 2:10, which is insaneeeeeely early for co op. You can also saturate the fastest due to double drone production.
I enjoy playing as zagara. You can only max on 100 supply, but you get infinite larvae, cheap units and tons of banelings for free.
However, I don't think co op will stand the test of time at all. Im level 10 as zagara and I feel like missions on brutal are now unloseable, even if my ally doesn't do much. I shudder to think how easy it will be at level 15. Getting to level 15 is a pretty long task given how tedious/repetitive the missions are, I doubt many will do it on all commanders. They should either ramp up the difficulty of brutal even further so you're forced to work as a team or lose, OR add another difficulty above it.
Playing as Vorazun and Kerrigan, I found most the mission easy at level 1... They are gunna have to release new content FAST cause this is kinda silly. The idea is solid and I'm enjoying it a lot, but I know this is gunna grow old fast, winning the same missions with the same comp over and over and over and over again.
I will say though, I really love the differences between all the heroes, how the 2 zerg factions are so different and how the abilities each hero has really make the playstyle so varied... for now.
Edit: Also on the topic of expanding, I've been going 17 hatch next to the rocks as Kerrigan and it's been working out wonderfully so far.
Namakaye-I GOT THIS!! Part of x5's Academy and Clans IXL and sR 2.0. herO #1. Editor
I have been loving Co-op mode - find me with Crescendo 568
I've been using it as a way to have fun with newbie friends who find the other aspects of multiplayer a bit of a challenge, but also as a way to unwind with practice partners after a practice session or ladder games.
So far, I've personally found Zagara the most fun, and most challenging, commander to play.
There is something beautiful about the waves of green death that splash around her as the free banelings wreck face. Or making a bunch of cheap scourge to go deal with that one annoying and powerful pirate ship in a big kamikaze punch to the face.
Zagara is, in my opinion, the BEST train buster with the aberrations' 80 damage to armoured. And her corruptors/scourge deal nicely with the shuttle level.
Also, her bile launchers, while APM-demanding, are pretty damn nice for home defense. Unfortunately, I am terrible at APM-demanding things
I also like Kerrigan because I am a sad zerg fanboy and never get tired of the HotS campaign.
Outside of the zerg commanders, Raynor has also been proving enjoyable.
I freely confess to giving a gamerrichy shout of 'STIM AND WIN!!!' every game I play =D
___________________________________ #WhyILoveSC2: Writing articles and interviews for the OSC and Exile5.
@x5_Crescendo - follow for SC2 info, interview alerts, and fanboy gleetweets.
Played a few more games earlier today (this time with old mate Pinder, which was the first time playing with someone i know), first time trying Brutal. We did low ranked heroes. Went about 50/50. Was easier if the opponents were zerg. Protoss AI was really strong! Hit hard early with Zealots, Immortals, Storm. Cut us up.
Also had my ally drop out at the start while i was playing Swann. He was Vorazun, so i just used him to build the auto gas assimilaters, and massed Mech FTW!
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