I shall start by making this thread! I see familiar faces here now and then and I'm curious what everyone is doing now. I THINK I JUST SAW LIGHT GET MARRIED ON FACEBOOK. HAHAHA ALL I REMEMBER IS MY 2-0 WIN IN SEACL (BRAG COMING OUT OF NOWHERE)
Oh god how things have changed since the SEACL and all that drama. BUT THOSE WERE GREAT TIMES! THE PEAK OF SC2SEA!
Ok so let's make this simple. Just copy paste these 5 main questions and answer them on your own.
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
How old are you? What are you working as?
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
1. Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
2. What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
I played clash royale intensely for maybe 1 month. My office started playing fifa 17 so naturally I wanted to play it and be good at it. I'm bad at that game though. OH WELL. I still have a dream of playing some game competitively when I retire and have unlimited but it's a very self-indulgent dream that I should give up. I think it's a phase of my life I should just leave behind.
3. How old are you? What are you working as?
I am 34 years old. I have a baby daughter! I started a millennial media company in Singapore which is now the largest of its kind.
4. What is your best memory of sc2sea?
The competitions! Remember having our own little eSports scene with all our own passionate team of commentators. Back then glade was still winning everything and pig was still emerging.
Having a league for every single division to cater to all the clans across all the skill levels was crazy idealistic but we managed to pull it off! So proud of the team of admins who worked so hard. Yea and SC2SEACL was my best memory, playing with piggy, ninja, iaguz and YOONYJ omg what is that guy doing now.
But I also liked all the random birthday specials / events we ran like that crazy unsolvable quiz paperclip made. PAPERCLIP DO YOU STILL HAVE A LINK TO IT?!
5. What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Starcraft 3. Or maybe if the site changes direction and does other games, a game the majority of the userbase plays. Maybe like another RTS like sc2. I have this fantasy that one day when I'm 50 or smth some of us will get together and start playing stacraft 6 together when we are all retired and maybe we actually win a tournament.
Not really, maybe one game every.. few months or something. Usually when PigSty's on I'll play for the fun of it there.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
I play Final Fantasy XIV the most; much excitement for Stormblood when it comes out but I've yet to finish Heavensward..
Competitively? Nah. I doubt I'll ever get that good with how life is at the moment.
How old are you? What are you working as?
24.. shit I joined this site like 5 years ago.. wow it's been that long. ._.
Still studying, but this time doing Nursing; second year now out of three.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Just making friends here and actually meeting them IRL is really great. The times that drama showed up on site and basically getting everyone on was so entertaining though.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Some sort of change of direction like you said.
Congrats on becoming a father btw!
___________________________________ NA | KR.
Known for a time as mGGCrayonPop and mGGxJieun
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Not enough D:, mostly teams and every few weeks.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
A lot of simulation games, Elite Dangerous, Kerbal Space Program mostly, plus the usual blizzard stuff . Stuff competitive unless its on equal grounds, aka all being terrible :P
How old are you? What are you working as?
28, currently a freelance illustrator and designer, also contracting in a blacksmith company doing all the fun manual labor with extreme heat.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
All the casual tournies! Masses of people on all the time, minus the drama of course :P
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
More people returning back, less drama and the like (unlike previous years D
atm I'm pretty busy with studies so just a few games a day.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, and various misc games on PS3/4/Steam
How old are you? What are you working as?
Turned 21 this year. Still working at Maccas until my studies are done.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Late 2012/early 2013 SEACL. ETL finished in the middle in Tier 2, in the middle in Tier 5, but came Top 4 in Tier 4. Good times. Shit was super alive back then. I miss lots of those ETL people who I haven't seen in years. ViTaL, DeeCN, Eos, etc.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
The site being alive again. So a big community resurgence, important LAN news, etc.
___________________________________ The Transformer Zerg, Jadron Burgerman @Soundwave
I try to, but it's hard working ~70+ hours a week. So no practice like the old days, instead i like playing random for fun Do play in every tournament i can if not working/running them. There's always at least one a day, so roster permitting i still try. Have no builds anymore though
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
No other games for a long time. Nothing compares to the competitive 1v1 of SC2 for me. Might give Brood War remastered a crack, but played a few games of BW recently, and it's so slow compared to SC2!
I wish we had the systems and opportunities we have in place now, back in the early days when i was playing (2011-13)!
But ultimately, no time to play anything else or SC2 much anyway.
How old are you? What are you working as?
30 This week!
Working F/T as a Nurse for a couple of years now after studies.
Also have online work and a retail job to keep me busy!
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
I think going to IEM Singapore in 2012 with a lot of AU players, and meeting all the SG guys.
SC2SEA was also the place/community that really brought me into SC2 in 2010/11, and fueled my passion for years to develop OSC into the massive competitive and community organisation we are now. Made a lot of friends through SC2 and sc2sea in particular.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
hmm. Tough one, as not sure there's much of a place for it (or forums) in the current landscape. Teamliquid is the big site people go to, and beyond that sc2 chatting is done via twitter, discord, ingame etc.
Imo site 100% needs activity/updates and change. But you need people committed to do so. And that takes a lot of work. Most of the old admins/mods have moved on years ago. Even if new people stepped up/old guys came back, sc2sea would need to find/create a new niche/make something like it was in the early days as a community hub at the time. However for SC2 i think that space in time has passed/been filled by other sites/mediums. So a new game? But wouldn't be sc2sea.
Eyyyy! Good to hear from your Bryan - Congrats with the little girl its a lot of fun!! (I have two!)
Anyway, onto the quiz...
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Yeah when I can - I'm pretty busy but recently few games a week.. before the Brisbane Lan I played about 200 games on my smurf in 3 weeks ;-/ What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Rocket League, Counter Strike GO.. no don't plan to ever be competitive with a game.. How old are you? What are you working as?
I'm 31 years old and work in Real Estate.. What is your best memory of sc2sea?
All the LANs and getting to meet all the personalities in our community; ACL's, WCS 2012, ESWC, etc etc... What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
I try to be active now - I think the site needs content and tournament news posted centrally to start to rebuild the site and perhaps open it up to other blizzard games or other games in general...? A few updates to freshen up the site...?
I very rarely play. Lately I've been tempted to learn LOTV and get back into it at least casually
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
I don't play games much these days, most of my time goes into work and my art and friends haha
How old are you? What are you working as?
I'm 23 now. Currently I work as the food services supervisor for foodstuffs south island in NZ. Basically a DC that supplies food; I handle and oversee all the orders that go to small stores, like bakeries/rest homes/service stations and such.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
My fondest was the day mGG was granted house clan status. One of the happiest days I've ever had.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
I honestly don't know. I remembered this site recently simply because I've been more interested in sc2 as of late. I can't really believe I managed to forget, since I have so many fond memories from way back in WOL. If I personally was to use the site more, it would probably be for the community, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be around anymore. That said, I suppose I'm using it right now to make this post despite that haha. If anything, I suppose a purpose change, or just better site branding would help bring in more people again.
Getting those people to talk and be active might be another matter though, especially when alternatives such as team liquid exist.
On the personal, its nice to see that, despite the lack of activity, that some peeps are still around to this day. You are all incredible for the devotion you've put into this community.
A random crazy person from New Zealand.
Damn Nir, didn't realise you had a kid now man... congrats times certainly gone super fast!
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Yes, unfortunately I have problem and now have over 1000ish games of Squadron TD. I am on everynow and then, but its been rare recently. What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Mario Kart & Bomberman - What can I say, I am an Nintendo kinda guy How old are you? What are you working as?
22, recent graduate - now working as an Urban Planner (town planner for translation). What is your best memory of sc2sea?
The clan leagues. I think in these moments, we saw so many great games - competitive, fun, and thrilling. Its pretty hard to differentiate a single one however.
It's that, or alternative, nights with Spook with his blasphemy. What will make you actively use sc2sea again? would be the reason.
Only vs AI, no courage to go onto ranked, but am still working on the courage whenever I have the time.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Halo 5 before it died, and Titanfall 2 casually mostly. I suck at games so, probably never competitively.
How old are you? What are you working as?
Full time student at QUT now doing a double degree in IT and Business (<--- this is where my time has gone)
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Beating mGGDrGOOSE on Ladder in WoL (he was massing tier 3 zerg and I just ran circles around him with Zealots and Stalkers ) he got annoyed but I asked him about his clan tag and he said I could sign up at So I joined and learned of a LAN that was about to happen in Brisbane, which is where I got to spectate KingKong wreck face. I also got to meet a few of my new clan mates which was awesome.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
I just need more spare time. I would also like to know what clans are still active. Maybe merging clans is needed?
Previously known as Abyssal
Turned 21 this year. Still working at Maccas until my studies are done.
Where you at and what are you studying Jordan?
1. Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Nope. Maybe 15-30 minutes a week.
2. What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Once I stopped playing starcraft I realised I'm not actually much of a gamer, at least not anymore. I haven't touched steam in months, and I don't own any consoles.
I do plan to get a nintendo switch though because I'm dying to play zelda. Debating it though because I hate spending my money on anything that isn't food.
3. How old are you? What are you working as?
7 more hours of being 21
I'm studying Chemistry atm, love it. Everything about it is interesting. I also work delivering the newspaper in the early mornings a few times a week, it's good cash and I'll probably go overseas at the end of the year for the first time.
4. What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Probably the clan wars, when they were just clans and not teams it was always so fun. It was never for anything but it was still very competitive and winning always felt so good. Loved making friends that way and just meeting new people through the old clans.
Making friends here was probably best memory though, can't imagine my life without meeting Domo, Lawrence, Ryan and my NZ twin Dabid.
5. What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Probably nothing. Sometimes I instinctively type "sc" into the browser and auto fills and I remember the good times, but I just don't like starcraft anymore. If the site had a bigger, more active community I would chat every now and then though.
P.S My account isn't activated or something and so I can't remember use the chatbox anymore, that's really what stopped me playing. No chatbox lines = No point.
When I'm not being lazy: 100-250 games per week is standard.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
I play a few casual games, but for 'esports' kinda games it's really just CS:GO and Hearthstone. I'm close to legend in HS now (rank 1), and working my way back to MGE or so on CS, but they're both just so boring that the urge to get better and better isn't there like sc2. They're basic, repetitive, easy to understand, and exhausting to put up with.
How old are you? What are you working as?
20. Was studying International Relations for the past 6 months or so, but switching to IT (my first preference, just felt IR would've been a nice change of pace) come July.
Also work now and then in construction of concerts/events that come to Adelaide - really good fun.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Having that first realization whilst browsing the site in 9th grade (when I bought sc2, and found sc2sea) that this community is the best I've ever found/been apart of. It was like a family.
Honourable mention: SEACL. The clan league was the reason I founded my clan (after sR died, and ETL were *****, I founded AxS[now sR lul]) and met so many of the people I call my best friends now. I still remember trialing the first few people, and the victories (and defeats) that came in the SEACL and after~ Shoutout to RisinG/Shy, Sparrow, and CLZ for being the OG AxS peeps & carrying us to GPD victories - and to SalvatioN for going on a 21-kill streak in clan wars (mostly whilst playing cross-server, blind drunk, at like 4am.. ******* Kaz).
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
I'll never stop coming back tbh, as I open a set of bookmarked sites whenever I boot up my PC (sc2sea being among them), but clans would make me come back more. sR, whilst a bit of a ghosttown, could form some sort of team of 4-5 to fight in a clanwar... and I certainly have the passion to work with my boys & other clan leaders to get shit done - it's just... we need that flame to ignite. I sincerely hope mGG/TCP/ETL round up some guys (even if they haven't played in ages) for the good of everyone.. get a cast going.. get some banter going, chuck a good ol' cw thread up - that's the dream for me.
Last edited by syfRize; Wed, 31st-May-2017 at 8:28 PM.
I'm at CIT in Bruce. I got my Cert III in Animal Companion Services and atm before I go into Vet Nursing I'm getting my Yr 12 certificate cause I didn't get it before
___________________________________ The Transformer Zerg, Jadron Burgerman @Soundwave
Nope. Kinda lost interest after LoTV was released and I kinda just moved on to other games.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
DOTA 2. 3.4k mmr scrub here so no. Will work on getting 4k though. Also Overwatch.
How old are you? What are you working as?
19 this year. Currently a medical student.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Hanging out with Team Night and mGG, having clanwars and hanging out with TNWildseven and sRLiver.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Honestly if my old friends/clanmates come here again I would hang out here again to chat but i kinda lost interest in sc2 ever since mid HoTS. Just felt that the game lost its charm. Will check out BW remastered and see if that is any fun so yeah.
Formerly known as neozxa
Instead of complaining about balance, try, try again.
Earlygame ZvZ is basically a knifefight with suicide bombers.
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Rarely, I don't like the direction starcraft went with LotV
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Nothing right now, I casually touch Overwatch here and there...
How old are you? What are you working as?
I'm 22 now, currently studying and working part-time
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Just how connected everybody was in the S.E.A area.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Now this... Recently S.E.A accounts/servers have merged with Americas servers so competition will be healthy. S.E.A needs to have a central community instead of being split into seperate websites (eg. sc2online, teamliquid & others). With our combined effort into one website, sc2sea can become alive again.
Previously known as PiPoGevy
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Nope, haven't played a game since late 2011/early 2012 I think. Never got around to trying HotS or LotV.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Just finished playing through DOOM. Other than that, I've been playing Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm here and there but not very consistently. Competitive gaming just isn't for me, prefer chilling out and gaming with friends casually
How old are you? What are you working as?
Currently 20, turning 21 later this year. Just finished serving National Service this year so I'm about to start university.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Playing random games with friends that I made on this site (be it SC2 or otherwise) and just chilling in the chatbox talking to people in general. Honourable mention to the time I won the first and last Starjeweled tournament ever hosted here. Because of that, I can say that I've won an SC2 tournament before hahaha
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Not really sure to be honest. Having an active community again would definitely be a step in the right direction, but of course that is easier said than done.
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Every now and again I show up to play in a tournament qualifier and get demolished, but mainly I just watch and help organise tournaments now.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Playing competitively is always the goal, but I think most of the fire to become the best has burned out at this point, so now I mostly play games for fun. I play all of the Blizzard games except Diablo, trying to not be awful at DOTA, and whatever random games I have in my steam library.
How old are you? What are you working as?
Turned 19 at the beginning of this year, studying at university as a creative and professional writing major, with a secondary major in game design.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Doing SEACL with the ToR guys and other random clan wars that got setup during the end of WoL period, as well as just talking to people in chatbox every afternoon after school.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
I still use sc2sea every day, even if its just lurking in chatbox I have it open 90% of the time. It's just force of habit to check sc2sea now after using it for so many years now, so I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon.
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
Sun Tzu 孫子
"If storm finishes I survive, otherwise terran is op" xGKingDelete 2012
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
League, i got to diamond 3 two years ago then haven't really played properly since then. I dance competitively now which i love
How old are you? What are you working as?
27 Im a Senior personal business consultant
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Best memory of sc2sea would be the disbandment of crux and seeing how many people it touched as it was effectively my baby and then joining aLt with delete
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
nothing really, came on here following probes tweet of his tournament. Would probably come back/help out managing/coach a team/tournament. Is my job to coach/manage people with insurance and teach dance. sc2sea is in the past for me
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
Occasionally, very sporadic, usually with friends (Co-Op or vs AI) or just messing around with AI games as random. Maybe 4-10 hours a month?
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
No competitive play. Have played some Overwatch, I don't get to play games very often any more. Last game I finished would of been Dark Souls over a year ago (Cause I was determined to finish a game for a change).
How old are you? What are you working as?
34 now, still working as a game developer, did AVCon again this year and caught up with flamga which was awesome. Co-own another business now, which is almost a 2nd job and doing some studying in training and handling of big data, so I am pretty flat out (and the wife and 4 kids of course). I have one of my own now, shes almost 3, and then the other 3 step kids.
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
Running FS, it was so great to see the group having fun, getting better, achieving goals. And the great friendships both inside FS and outside with many people here.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
If there was a lot of activity I would try and at least keep more of an appearance up. But really for me personal time is the killer. I just got NBN the other day and got a nice 30mbs upload speed and my first thought was dam I wish the clan was still around, could stream games and tournaments nicely.
Do you still play Starcraft 2? How many hours?
I start it up every 3 months and play about 20 games before life gets in the way again.
What other games do you play? Do you have plans to play any competitively?
Urgh, Dota, CSGO, Smash bros wii u. I joined in the Adelaide Smash competative scene for a while which was amazing, the community was one of the best.
How old are you? What are you working as?
31, Legal stuff that I can't talk about because of NDAs
What is your best memory of sc2sea?
The state pride threads. SA used to host a lot of tourneys and when interstaters were coming down we used to chat about who could take them down.
What will make you actively use sc2sea again?
Honestly, probably nothing. I'll lurk when I remember it, but that's about it.
Even the smallest donations help keep sc2sea running! All donations go towards helping our site run including our monthly server hosting fees and sc2sea sponsored community tournaments we host. Find out more here.