This is a new community tournament (at this stage just a once off event), that aims to put together both community veterens with (hopefully) future community members.
Idea: There are a whole bunch of hidden players out there, lurking in the shadows, ready to strike. The idea of this tournament is to go out there and try and make a friend, hopefully bringing some new people into our lovely community. Since it is archon, not only to make it a bit more fun, this is also aiming to allow more lower level players to get involved, without feeling totally outclassed. It also means that you don't need to own legacy of the void to participate!
Rules: ANZ/SEA players only(special consideration possible). Teams can be made up from either one person in our community + new person, or new person + new person.
The new person can be:
Your in real life friend, but they are not a part of the sc2sea community.
Someone that interacts with other starcraft communities, but not with us on sc2sea or on twitter.
A complete stranger.
Ultimately this might feel as there could be a lot left to interpretation. And there is. If you get told you can't play together, please think about forming seperate teams and still join in the fun.
Game Mode: Archon, Legacy of the Void Server: North America, Australia region Time: 5pm AEST Date: Sunday 29th of May Format: Double elim BO3 Map Pool: Current ladder maps Prize:$100 (This will include a participation prize).
Stream: Looking for a caster to stream this tournament, please pm me if you are interested. Experience is not required!
SIGN UP NOW! by commenting in this thread with your ingame names. If you are looking for a partner but can't find one maybe post below. Finding someone might be hard, but try your best, after all it is LOTV, why you are struggling to detect dark templar.
I would love for as many people to get involved in this and make it a fun tournament!
So go out and find someone new!
P.S. If anyone would like to donate anything towards the prize pool, pm me, I would love to give out more participation prizes.
Previously known as Rinehart
Last edited by ROOTProbe; Sun, 29th-May-2016 at 12:49 PM.
None of my gaming friends play SC2, or are interested in playing SC2. I will try to find someone, this is also the day after a House party at my I may be hung over.
On the other hand, if Ace streams, I'd be happy to cast a Archon tournament.
twitter PhilosopherSC2
Every zerg who goes SH must die ~ Nemesis
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
If you open it up to everyone, make it high skill with low skill team mate. Makes it more fun and then you wont have two top players teaming up for ez wins.
Even the smallest donations help keep sc2sea running! All donations go towards helping our site run including our monthly server hosting fees and sc2sea sponsored community tournaments we host. Find out more here.