Lots of us have been comparing our number of games played, and making fun of one another for having so little games played comparatively. To make it convenient for people to compare and not ask so regularly "hey how many games have you played", this thread will be used to show the number of games different people have played.
Abstract continued on the thread that was first made by Elusory and automated the system but sadly he now has no time to continue updating the thread on a regular basis so now I shall be continuing on the thread.
Q: How often is the data in this thread updated?
A: It's updated on a daily basis. Sometimes I miss a day due to being busy irl.
Q: Why hasn't the thread been updated to show the new season?!?! !@#$% *getspitchforkout*
A: Blizzards API is usually broken for the first week or two after the start of a new season so I can only start updating after they update it.
Q: How do I join this/change my details?
A: Post in this thread including the name you want to be known by and the B.net profiles you want to be counted. You should put your main profile first as this will determine the clan and race shown on the table. You can also add a call out to motivate your fellow players.
To add additional profiles or change any details just do another post and I will add/update them.
A Huge HUGE thank you to abstract for sharing his coding with me and teaching me how to operate the thread. This would not be possible without him.
Not continuing with lotv. If anyone wants to do this send a pm to abstract
Broken Accounts
The data for the following accounts cannot be retrieved. Either due to a name change on the profile or the blizzard website having a problem (ie: all the EU accounts). No new data from these accounts will be shown until this is resolved.
Details Players are ranked by games played (1v1 only) across all the submitted accounts with the win % being calculated by all wins / all games*100, the league shown will be the highest current league across all your submitted accounts. Total career games includes team games as that is the only way I can retrieve this stat from Blizzard.
Last edited by ETL.Ravenflames; Sat, 9th-Jan-2016 at 7:29 PM.
PS : My win rate would look strange... but since this season is ending no harm keeping it this round and omitting it next season
Another PS : Noticed you wanted name; Just call me... Nemesis
___________________________________ player in
"and we'll invest more on Bots, as our first Trial bot, the 'NemBotElie' was a huge success, organising tournaments and being part of the Council of mGG. But there are a few bugs in which the bot cannot go past the skill level of a Platinum Protoss." - PaRAnorMaL
Last edited by mGGNemesis; Fri, 26th-Dec-2014 at 9:01 AM.
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