Real Name: Yoz Akas: Yoz, Yoza, Elyzrid Occupation: Self-Employed (Online Business.. Starting Soon!) Date Of Birth: December, 1986 (born a Malaysian too) City/Country: Melbourne, Australia Hobbies: Poker, Pool, Acoustic Guitar (but i'm bad), Drinking Games? SC2 Goals: Encourage the scene to grow, as I feel Australia has typically been behind the curve in online gaming. With the launch of Starcraft II it would be great to see eSports leap ahead in Australia/SEA so that we're at least a little more competitive compared to the rest of the world. Personally, I just wanna be an admin/organiser who isn't a terrible player. Historically, tourney admins and clan admins have been pretty bad - WC3L.Anton was a good gamer though! Clan/Team: None Life and Career Goals: Enjoy life and find a job/career that I enjoy. I left my two last jobs because I felt they weren't the right fit for me. If i'm not pumped about heading to work every day, it's probably not right for me. Anyone in eSports hiring? :P
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Hmm. I just came 3rd at the Xin Gaming LAN Tourney in Melbourne. I think I had much better success as an admin (for WC3L) Featured Online Vods: I think Xin Gaming is releasing some VODs of the tournament which shows how I do the same all-in strat every game. Otherwise the only VOD I have is of me playing guitar on YouTube.. Ahaha.. I should probably delete that.
Favourite Strategy: Generally speaking I like strategies that aren't cookie-cutter and prefer strategies that apply early pressure. Lately, I've been having a lot of fun with the 5x Rax Rine strat which pushes out as soon as you get both stim + shield. It's pretty-all in but quite fun. Favourite Babe: JacziE! Haha. No seriously, I dunno. Jamie Chung? Rachel Leigh Cook? Favourite Food: Hainanese Chicken Rice, Beef Tacos, Beef Bulgogi Favourite Drink: Wow.. I immediately thought vodka lemon lime. Sign of an alcoholic? Grass Jelly for non alcoholic. And if anyone knows how to mix both, let me know asap! Favourite Movie: Bah, I really struggle with favourite questions. Just imagine I said your favourite movie, and that now you think i'm slightly cooler than before you read this. Favourite Song: Something Corporate - As You Sleep
Players Respected: Props to RedArchon too who registered for the SEA Open and even came online later to say sorry that he couldn't make it, very polite of him. DeMusliM is fun to chat to and seems very grounded. I like when progamers are easy-going and approachable.. I think it's really good for the game. Elitism is really sucky. Arch-Nemesis: Youngminii. Wow that guy just counters everything I do so it feels good on the off-chance that I crush him. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Of the top tier I've probably only played nirvAnA and got beaten pretty convincingly (0-2) but I've heard some really good things about YoonYoJun who is a lesser known player. I expect him to make some waves soon though. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: We should probs wait a little while before answering this. I'm generally pretty impressed with MorroW's play though.
What drives you to run the SEA Open every week? I'm running the SEA Open because compared to North America / Europe we don't have any nice weekly tournaments to bring the community together. I like the idea that everyday players have the chance to play against pros and potentially make a name for themselves when they otherwise wouldn't have had the opportunity. If every tournament was an invite, there are talented players who would never get noticed. At the end of about ten weeks I want to run an invitational to showcase some of the talent that SEA has. And what are your plans for the SEA Open? The SEA Open is all about the players. I want a tournament which is run smoothly and offers great prizes to ensure everyone's happy. It means I'm going to need to work on getting some sponsors though, because I can't keep forking out prize money in the long term. I've had a few people talk to me about merging tournaments, but I'm not too sure at this stage.. My main focus is providing a great place for players to test their skills and win prizes.
After reading this you should definitely free up every Sunday afternoon and come play the SEA Open Weekly tournament. More details at
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:31 AM.
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